Tag: Teabaggers

Oh! The humanities!

Oh! The humanities!

Andrew Breitbart has his conservative panties all in a twist. It turns out — get this, you won’t even believe it — some LIBBER-UHL on Salon.com posted something nasty and inappropriate about (you are not going to believe this) [whispers]Sarah Palin[/whispers]. Can you believe it? It’s horrible: Let’s let Michael Vick keep Sarah Palin as a pet instead of a […]

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Teabaggers are so adorable

How cute is this? (from my email): Tea Party Nation, along with our friends at Tea Party Express, FreedomWorks and other “we the people” groups are putting on the National Appropriations Bill Read-in. We need your help. Starting this afternoon at around 6pm, in Washington, we will be reading the Omnibus Appropriations Bill in its entirety. We will be doing […]

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Revisionist history: Teabagger style

Got this in an email from the Tea Party Nation today: If you could fog a mirror in 2008, you no doubt saw the terrible effect the drive by media had on the election. They might as well have been the advertising arm for Barack Obama. Yeah remember that? Muslim and “not American”? Reverend Wright? Palling around with terrorists like […]

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Veins-bulging, spittle-flying Teabagger Nation TANTRUM!

Veins-bulging, spittle-flying Teabagger Nation TANTRUM!

The wheels just fell off the Tea Party Nation bandwagon. I realize it’s not news that the teabaggers are looney tunes. But today’s screed from Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips is off the rails. I can literally see him frothing at the mouth as he screams it to his followers with veins bulging on his neck. Take home message: […]

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Solving Michigan’s budget woes with smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking

This is, in part, how the GOPosaurs won the day in Michigan: by drumming up fear and promising solutions to problems that don’t actually exist. Halting social benefits to undocumented immigrants should be the first step toward eliminating Michigan’s $1.6 billion structural deficit, state Sen.-elect Joe Hune said. Hune, a Republican from the Fowlerville area, raised the issue on the […]

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Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Rob Steele rallies with the whackos

Hey, kids! Wanna have some real fun tomorrow? Get yourself down to the University of Michigan Diag for a rally with Rob Steele, the teabagger GOP candidate running against John Dingell. It starts at 6:30 p.m. and all the cool kids will be there. Like Wendy Day, Livingston County teabagger organizer and home-schooling Howell School Board member. I’ve written about […]

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Tim Walberg: The Original Teabagger

Hmmmm…This doesn’t surprise me: [MI-07 Republican candidate Tim] Walberg’s message of smaller government, as well as opposition to abortion and gay marriage, has appealed most notably to conservatives in the district, including tea party followers who have been especially active this year. “I was a tea partier before there was a tea party,” Walberg said. And that, I would argue, […]

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Tim Walberg is a birther? Surprise, right? Not. – UPDATED

Honestly, with all I know about Tim Walberg, Republican Tea Party candidate for MI-07, this shouldn’t surprise me. But … well … it does. Because as wrong-headed and bad for this state as Tim Walberg is, I never thought he was a complete and utter fool. Now he has gone and opened his mouth to, as they say, remove all […]

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Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

Stop calling them “Tea Partiers”. They’re REPUBLICANS!

I’m just sayin’… Giving my wife props for the idea for this blog entry. It’s time we changed the meme and change how we talk about the teabaggers. There is no “Tea Party” in the USA, not as a political party. There may be a bunch of clubs scattered around the country, groups of like-minded mostly-white, mostly-bigoted, super conservative no-brainers […]

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“The Tea Party” excluded from Nov. ballot due to font size

An effort to put “The Tea Party” on the November ballot in Michigan has failed. Not because it’s a fake group trying to help Democrats at the polls by splitting far-right wing votes (which it is.) No, it’s because the font size of the word “the” was wrong. Totally not kidding. The Michigan Court of Appeals said Monday that a […]

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Eff you, ‘baggers. Maybe WE should “Go Galt”.

Honestly, I’m starting to get a twitch in the corner of my eye and a weird little nervous tic has developed. Watching the contortions of conservatives, particularly teabaggers and the worst of the worst Republicans (I’m lookin’ at YOU, John Boehner) is starting to push me to the brink. Screw you guys. Maybe WE should “Go Galt”. These supposed “strict […]

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