Republican-Fail — December 14, 2010 at 1:07 pm

Veins-bulging, spittle-flying Teabagger Nation TANTRUM!


The wheels just fell off the Tea Party Nation bandwagon.

I realize it’s not news that the teabaggers are looney tunes. But today’s screed from Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips is off the rails. I can literally see him frothing at the mouth as he screams it to his followers with veins bulging on his neck.


Here’s his latest missive over at the Tea Party Nation’s website (membership required):

Just tell them HELL NO!

Congress is back at it today. We need to tell them the only thing they need to do in this session is fund the government until January and let the new Congress deal with these issues.

Fights we are going to have this starting today.

The Congress will be taking up the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts. HR 4853 is the House Bill. It is not just an extension of the Bush tax cuts; it is a massive pork laden bill. This will swell the deficit by trillions.

The issue of tax cuts needs to be left until January. There is no urgency. Tax cuts can be made RETROACTIVE.

S.510, the food bill, is hidden in the continuing resolution that will fund the government until September. This is another bill the Senate must be told to stop. According to Senator Coburn, this bill funds Obamacare through September.

NO! NO! NO! We voted conservatives in to stop Obamacare. The GOP in the Senate needs to stand firm and filibuster anything that comes down, other than funding the government until January.

The Senate is going to take up the START treaty tomorrow. This is a bad treaty for America. We must tell our Senators to vote no on this treaty.

Finally, the DREAM Act is still lurking out there. Whether this will come back to life or not remains to be seen. We are not safe until congress is adjourned.

Call, fax and email your senators and congressmen! The Capitol Switchboard is 202-224-3121. Today is the day we must melt their phone lines.

Pass this email along to your friends and ask them to do the same.

I know we would all rather be thinking about Christmas shopping right now, but the defense of our freedom is a little more important. Take the time to call, fax and email your Congressmen and Senators and ask your friends to do the same!

This bit was my favorite:

NO! NO! NO! We voted conservatives in to stop Obamacare. The GOP in the Senate needs to stand firm and filibuster anything that comes down, other than funding the government until January

Can’t you just see him stomping his little teabagger feets and threatening to hold his breath until he gets his way? He’s willing to stop an ominbus spending package that includes a revamping of food safety laws because it has funding for the health insurance reform law passed this year. And, apparently, he’s going to turn blue if he has to in order to stop it.

By the way, this is Senator Coburn’s statement on the spending bill:

“Using the end-of-the-year spending bill as a Trojan horse to fund the new federal health care law is hardly the mandate from the November elections. Yet, that is what Congress is doing through the must-pass spending bill to fund government operations. We need to repeal, not ratify, the new health law and replace it with health reforms that will truly lower costs and improve health care quality and access.”

“The bill provides $19 million to the IRS for dictating health insurance under the new health law — a small but significant opening salvo in the push to give IRS tax bureaucrats power over Americans’ health care. The legislation also spends $12 million on an unelected panel of bureaucrats who will issue costly mandates, make coverage decisions for all Americans, and could deny patient choice under the guise of ‘prevention.’

“The bill also provides a fat $3.6 billion check for Dr. Donald Berwick, the new head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, to be used for non-descript ‘program management.’ The fact that Dr. Berwick continues to evade questions from members of the press and public raises serious questions about his intended purpose for these funds.

“Other funding for the new health law in the bill seems to reflect the desire of congressional appropriators to micromanage and make decisions in areas in which they have limited knowledge and expertise. For instance, the health law provides $750 million in 2011 to a prevention and public health slush fund – all of which is earmarked by this bill primarily for new health reform programs. Rather than allowing public health experts to allocate funding to the most promising public health strategies, the appropriations committee has decided which public health programs to fund and directed significant new funding to build sidewalks, jungle gyms and swing sets.

“Members of Congress who campaigned on defunding the misguided health law Congress passed last year should oppose this trillion-dollar spending bill. We already know the health law isn’t working. Members who supported it are guilty of misleading advertising. During the last six months we have seen health insurance premium increase, not decrease, because of the new law. It’s time for Congress to extend current tax rates, pass a clean spending bill – a ‘continuing resolution’ – without extraneous and vague health care provisions, and go home.”

In other words, kick the can down the road and let millions of people go without unemployment insurance while giving billions in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. Whether or not you think the tax cut deal President Obama hammered out with the Republicans, at least he got some things Democrats want.

I wonder what Phillips will do when his beloved teabagger conservative members of Congress slide the final knife into his back and vote for something he doesn’t like?

He’ll probably wet his pants.

I’m just sayin’…

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