Category: Labor

PETITION: Unions ARE Democracy & Freedom. Stop GOP attacks on unions in Michigan, say NO to “Right to Work” for Less.

PETITION: Unions ARE Democracy & Freedom. Stop GOP attacks on unions in Michigan, say NO to “Right to Work” for Less.

Forming a more perfect union

Republican attacks on labor unions are, perhaps, one of the most hypocritical positions that they have. As they hold the U.S. Constitution aloft and bow down in solemn reverence to the Declaration of Independence, they seem to forget a couple of key things.

First, our country is, at its very core, a UNION. We are the UNITED States of America. We work together for the common good of all of our citizens, at least when we’re doing it right.

Second, one of our most basic tenets, right there in the 1st Amendment, is the right to peaceably assemble.

Labor unions are one of the purest expressions of democracy and freedom in this country, a fact that is often lost in the discussion. I want to remind our legislators of this so I started a petition called “Unions ARE Democracy. Unions ARE Freedom. Stop Republican attacks on unions in Michigan, say NO to ‘Right to Work’ for Less.

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ACTION: Union members ready to stand up for their rights – RALLY in Lansing TOMORROW! – UPDATED x2

ACTION: Union members ready to stand up for their rights – RALLY in Lansing TOMORROW! – UPDATED x2

You wanted a fight, Republicans? You have yourselves a fight!

Facing a Republican attack on collective bargaining rights and a full-court press to make Michigan a Right to Work For Less state, the Michigan AFL-CIO is hosting another Lobby Day at the State Capitol Building in Lansing tomorrow.

The Republicans have switched from the already-deceitful name “Right to Work” to “Freedom to Work”, presumably so that they can get the attention of tea party fanatics that worship anything with the word “freedom” or “patriot” associated with it (unless that loss of “freedom” comes in the form of an Emergency Manager for an African American community, of course.)

Details about the event and more after the jump.

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Governor Snyder takes sides on Right to Work for Less — It’s now “on the table”

Governor Snyder takes sides on Right to Work for Less — It’s now “on the table”

And the winner is… the anti-Labor conservatives

NOTE: This is an abbreviated version of a post I published at the AFL-CIO NOW blog. Click HERE to read the whole piece.

For months and months, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder has been playing Switzerland on the topic of “Right to Work For Less” (RTWFL) — the Orwellian-named anti-labor union drive — saying “It’s not on my agenda” but never promising to veto RTWFL legislation. He literally used that exact phrase every single time he was asked about it right up until this past week.

Today, all of that changed. After a meeting with top Republican leaders from the state House and Senate, it’s now “on the table”.

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ACTION: Michigan Democrats & progressive groups get ready for the Republican lame duck session

ACTION: Michigan Democrats & progressive groups get ready for the Republican lame duck session

Now is not the time to rest The Michigan legislature holds its lame duck session starting today and continuing through December 20th. The Republicans who control both houses of our legislature are signaling that they intend to get a LOT done in over the next four weeks. Further efforts to destroy our labor unions, an egregious, overreaching “reform” (aka privatization) […]

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Anti-union “Protecting Michigan Taxpayers” sues PTA for Prop 2 endorsement

Anti-union “Protecting Michigan Taxpayers” sues PTA for Prop 2 endorsement

Whoa. Now they’re getting REALLY desperate

Congressman Gary Peters sent out a statement today revealing that the anti-union, pro-Big Business “Protecting Michigan Taxpayers” sued the Michigan Parent Teachers Association (PTA) for their endorsement of Proposal 2, the Protect Working Families ballot proposal that would put collective bargaining protections in our state constitution.

Details after the jump.

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Vote YES! on Michigan Proposal 2 – Preserve collective bargaining rights and protect working families

Vote YES! on Michigan Proposal 2 – Preserve collective bargaining rights and protect working families

Stop the movement to crush labor unions

Fifth in a series on the ballot proposals on Michigan’s November 6, 2012 ballot. Read them all HERE.

I have written about Proposal 2 since it was first conceived under the banner of “Protect Our Jobs”. It later was renamed “Protect Working Families” in recognition of the fact that supporting the right of our labor brothers and sisters to bargain collectively for better wages, benefits and working conditions benefits ALL working families in our state.

Details on why you should VOTE YES! ON PROPOSAL 2 AND PROTECT WORKING FAMILIES after the jump.

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UPDATED: The importance of collective bargaining and why Prop 2 opponents are lying to Michigan voters

UPDATED: The importance of collective bargaining and why Prop 2 opponents are lying to Michigan voters

Collective bargaining helps ALL workers and anti-labor forces know & fear that

The anti-labor, pro-business group Protecting Michigan Taxpayers has a television ad out now that may be the most egregious, lie-filled, dishonest political ad on Michigan televisions at the moment.

The ad is designed to make Proposal 2, a ballot initiative to protect collective bargaining rights in our state, look like it will endanger children rather than giving our teachers the right to bargain for smaller class sizes, living wages, health care, and retirement benefits.

Almost every day, you see someone on the right accusing groups on the left of using scare tactics. And yet, this ad is the most shameless effort to frighten voters that you’re likely to see this election cycle. They even use the words “dangerous”, “terrifying”, and “risk”.

The ad and much more after the jump.

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Michigan Supreme Court puts collective bargaining ballot proposal on the November ballot

Michigan Supreme Court puts collective bargaining ballot proposal on the November ballot

Together, united, we cannot be defeated

In a very encouraging victory for working Michiganders, the Supreme Court today ruled that the Protect Our Jobs/Protect Working Families ballot proposal to give constitutional protection to collective bargaining rights WILL appear on the November ballot.

Details and links to the six proposals that Michiganders will vote on in November after the jump.

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We Are the People needs Labor Day volunteers for Detroit parade

We Are the People needs Labor Day volunteers for Detroit parade

We’re all in this together

We Are the People Michigan is asking for volunteers for the Labor Day parade in Detroit. This is part of the effort to make sure the Protect Our Jobs ballot proposal passes in November and secures the right to collectively bargain in our state constitution.

If you are available, this is guaranteed to be a truly fun and rewarding day. You’ll meet amazing organizers, activists and passionate folks from the labor movement while you help make sure that the drive to crush our unions is stopped.

Details on how you can get involved in this fun and important effort after the jump.

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New television ad for Protect Our Jobs – Collective bargaining helped saved the auto industry

New television ad for Protect Our Jobs – Collective bargaining helped saved the auto industry

When protective bargaining wins, we ALL win

The Protect Our Jobs coalition, also known as Protect Working Families, is working to pass a ballot initiative that would put protections for collective bargaining in the state constitution. This group just released a new television ad that shows how collective bargaining helped save that domestic auto industry in America.

See the ad after the jump.

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Protect Working Families ballot initiative forum in Ann Arbor THURSDAY, August 30th

Protect Working Families ballot initiative forum in Ann Arbor THURSDAY, August 30th

It’s time to get this done

Now that the ballot initiative to make collective bargaining rights part of the state constitution has been ordered placed on the November ballot, it’s time for Democrats around the state to make sure it passes handily. As part of that effort, the Protect Working Families (formerly Protect Our Jobs) alliance is conducting forums across the state to ensure people are educated and engaged in making that happen.

This Thursday, August 30, 2012 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Second Baptist Church, 850 Red Oak Road, one such forum is being held in Washtenaw County.

Details after the jump.

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