Tag: Bwahahahahaha

Know what I love about Rachel Maddow?

Know what I love about Rachel Maddow?

This. Check out the sneaks: Well, that and the fact that she’s the smartest, wittiest and most insightful political commentator in the country. But those sneaks are pretty awesome, too ;) I’m just sayin’…

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How to protest against tragically and scarily stupid people

How to protest against tragically and scarily stupid people

Surely you know about the most-horrible Westboro Baptist Church and their most-horrible “God Hates Fags” protests. Wanna know how to effectively protest complete morans like this? You do it like this [location: San Francisco (of course)]: Photo by EDW Lynch Photo by EDW Lynch You can work anything into a Rick Roll, can’t you?Photo by LiveSoMa Here’s a coupla Twitter-related […]

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This is how a president schools the opposition party

President Obama met with Republicans today in a Q&A session that was an amazing sight to see. At the last minute, the Obama administration asked that cameras be allowed and we should all thank heavens that happened. Watch this and enjoy. More of this, please. Much, much more. I’m just sayin’…

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Anti-Choice Lazy Man’s Protest: The “Virtual March”

Anti-Choice Lazy Man’s Protest: The “Virtual March”

Looks like the anti-HCR Teabagger-types have realized that they just can’t seem to get those millions and millions of people to show up at their protests (remember how well their “Die In” went?) Now comes the “Virtual March”. Yes, kids, no need to actually GO to Washington, D.C. Why stand in the cold for your principles when you can do […]

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Dems need to get some balls in Congress

Best YouTube vid of the year (so far): I’m just sayin’…

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Oh look. More teabagger fail. At Detroit Auto Show.

Oh look. More teabagger fail. At Detroit Auto Show.

As reported by Devilstower on the front page of the Daily Kos a couple of days ago, the Teabaggers were ready to hit the ground protestin’ at the Detroit Auto Show. Ready to protest bailing out the auto industry. You know, the one that employs 60% of Michigan workers? Well, they were outnumbered by some union folks who showed up […]

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Obama=Bush! Remember when…? That was awesome

This Obamabot finally has to admit it: President Barack H. Obama is exactly like President George W. Bush. After the Christmas Day Underpants Bombing, President Obama held a press conference where he said: The bottom line is this: The U.S. government had sufficient information to have uncovered this plot and potentially disrupt the Christmas Day attack. But our intelligence community […]

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The Lunatic Went Down to Georgia

The Lunatic Went Down to Georgia

It had been awhile since I checked in with National Security expert Super PatriotTM freaking moonbat that is Charlie Daniels (yes, that Charlie Daniels) so I thought I’d hop on over to his website and see what type of drivel he was serving up for the New Year. Mr. Daniels has a blog where he spews his very own special […]

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Pres. Daily Brief: Bin Laden determ. to strike US w/ underwear

Know what I heard? I heard the president got a Presidential Daily Brief (PDB) months ago that warned him of terrorist underwear bombing attacks against our precious and beloved homeland. Yup. That’s what I heard. From some guy who read it on a blog on the internets. And Obama told the guy who gave him the PDB to go Cheney […]

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Dogs have a bigger carbon footprint than SUVs???!

Dogs have a bigger carbon footprint than SUVs???!

I wasn’t sure how to break THIS NEWS to my two dogs. [S]pecialists in sustainable living at Victoria University of Wellington, analysed popular brands of pet food and calculated that a medium-sized dog eats around 164 kilos (360 pounds) of meat and 95 kilos of cereal a year. Combine the land required to generate its food and a “medium” sized […]

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Malia Obama: DHOTUS (Photographic proof)

Malia Obama: DHOTUS (Photographic proof)

Is Malia Obama the resident “dirty hippy” of the United States? The DHOTUS? I think so and I have photographic evidence to prove it. Oh, and may I say I highly approve? In fact, I’d say it’s about time. It started out innocently enough. Who would have thought on Election Day 2008 that this young woman was harboring an inner […]

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