Category: Michigan Republicans

ACTION: AFL-CIO to host “Walk of Shame” to welcome back Michigan Republicans – TOMORROW, WED., JAN 9

ACTION: AFL-CIO to host “Walk of Shame” to welcome back Michigan Republicans – TOMORROW, WED., JAN 9

We haven’t forgotten

Michigan Republicans surely hoped we would all “just settle down” and forget about the travesty that was their inflamed duck session. On the contrary, we not only did not forget, we are more fired up than ever to put a stop to their destruction of our state.

The first step happens tomorrow when the legislators return to the Capitol for the swearing in ceremony of the new legislature.

The AFL-CIO will be there with working families from across the state to remind them of the shameful things they have done and let them know we aren’t backing down.

Details after the jump.

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“Small government” Michigan GOP passed so many bills, Lt. Gov. has to take up slack signing them

“Small government” Michigan GOP passed so many bills, Lt. Gov. has to take up slack signing them

Small government, my butt

As I wrote last week, the hypocritical “small government” Republicans passed 282 bills during the short inflamed duck session. So many, in fact, that when Governor Snyder took a holiday break outside of the state, Lt. Governor Brian Calley was enlisted to sign 50 of them.

More after the Eclectablog cliff.

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Michigan Republicans prove their hypocrisy on “small government” by passing 282 bills during lame duck session

Michigan Republicans prove their hypocrisy on “small government” by passing 282 bills during lame duck session

Inflamed duck, indeed I knew that Republicans had passed a lot of bills through the Michigan legislature during the lame inflamed duck session but I had absolutely no idea just completely batshit nuts they had gone until this morning. That’s when I read this headline at Michigan Radio: MICHIGAN GOVERNOR MAKING HIS WAY THROUGH 282 BILLS Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder […]

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2012: The Year of Michigan Women in Politics

2012: The Year of Michigan Women in Politics

Chapeau: doffed

2012 was a year full of politics in Michigan. As a political writer, particularly one writing from the progressive side of things, I never had a single day where there wasn’t something happening in Michigan worth writing about. We weren’t far into 2012 before I realized that women were standing up and speaking out in larger numbers and with a louder, stronger voice than any other group of people in our state. So much so that I have taken to calling 2012 the Year of Michigan Women in Politics.

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Republicans are only interested in solving problems we don’t have

Republicans are only interested in solving problems we don’t have

If you think the billionaires aren’t rich enough, women have too much control of their bodies and workers get paid too much, this GOP is for you. As the 112th Congress prepares to go down as the least productive in modern history, we in Michigan can remind you that the only thing worse than a Republican legislature that won’t pass […]

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Tax the POOR! – Michigan’s tax time bomb begins to explode

Tax the POOR! – Michigan’s tax time bomb begins to explode

The impact of new Republican taxes in Michigan is about to get very real

Back in February, I wrote piece titled “The tax timebomb that explodes in Michigan in 2012 is MUCH worse than you thought”. The piece got a lot of attention, primarily because it was a big news flash that in order to pay for the billions in giveaways to Michigan corporations, Michigan Republicans raised taxes on over half of the people in Michigan. And, make no mistake, true to Republican) form, the impact was far greater on lower income Michiganders than on our wealthiest citizens.

Postcards notifying many of these people about the tax hit they are about take arrived in mailboxes in Michigan this week.

Take a look after the jump.

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INTERVIEW – Gretchen Whitmer: “Michigan Democrats are not demoralized, we’re fired up!”

INTERVIEW – Gretchen Whitmer: “Michigan Democrats are not demoralized, we’re fired up!”

Using the power of personalizing issues to make change when you’re in the minority

One of the most outspoken and eloquent Democrats in the legislature for the past two years is Senate Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer from East Lansing. Whenever there was a major issue making the headlines that Republicans were on the wrong side of, Senator Whitmer was there to be sure that they were not only held accountable but that their actions would not go unnoticed.

Given the Republicans’ recent flurry of ideologically-driven activity and the fact that Republicans still control both houses of the state legislature, control the state Supreme Court, and that the Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State are all Republicans, I wanted to see how the top Democratic leader of the state Senate (and longest serving sitting Senator) was feeling about the road ahead. I sat down with her in a coffee shop in East Lansing this week for an interview.

(It’s all there, after the jump.)

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This is how extreme the gun fetishist lobby is in this country

This is how extreme the gun fetishist lobby is in this country

This isn’t about the right to bear arms, it’s about the right to be a freak

Have a look at this Bushmaster ad for their semi-automatic rifles:

In any sort of rational debate about gun control, we would be facing the fact that the most extreme elements of the “stop any restrictions on gun ownership ever at all the end” crowd are, at the end of the day, gun fetishists.


Much more after the jump.

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Michigan Republicans move to consolidate their power & exploit their criminal 2010 gerrymandering

Michigan Republicans move to consolidate their power & exploit their criminal 2010 gerrymandering

Maintaining a permanent Republican majority the easy way

Yesterday, delegates to the Michigan Electoral College cast Michigan’s 16 votes for Barack Obama. The President won Michigan handily, beating Mitt Romney by nearly 10 points. However, Republicans still maintain control over our state legislature and hour Congressional caucus. How is this possible?


Find out how Republicans are trying to exploit this by changing how we choose our president after the jump.

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GOP chief Ron Weiser talks trash about Detroit. These are the guys that want to run the city.

GOP chief Ron Weiser talks trash about Detroit. These are the guys that want to run the city.

Roll the tape, Jim…

The finance chairman of the Republican National Committee and former Michigan Republican Party chairman Ron Weiser was caught on tape talking serious trash about Detroit back in August. In light of the fact that Michigan Republicans seem hellbent on taking control of the city and its resources and revenues, this major party figure’s comments, hideous as they are, are very illuminating.

Let’s roll tape (after the jump.)

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Guest Post: Men Who Stare at Votes — Insulting treatment of female constituents by Michigan Republicans

Guest Post: Men Who Stare at Votes — Insulting treatment of female constituents by Michigan Republicans

Depends on your definition of “represent”, I suppose…

This post is a cross-post of a terrific piece by Emily Magner from her blog Musings of a Lady. The original post can be found HERE.

In her piece, Magner talks about her treatment by two Republican legislators who “represent” her. She and a group of students did their civic duty by traveling to Lansing to meet with their State Senator and Representative to discuss House Bill 5711, a sweeping anti-abortion bill that will severely limit access to women’s reproductive health services, including abortions, across Michigan. The bill has a particularly acute impact on rural women — like the women in Magner’s area.

The treatment they encountered, while not surprising given the recent behavior of Michigan Republican lawmakers, is a story that needs to be heard.

Her essay after the jump.

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