Labor — September 1, 2011 at 4:29 pm

Mich GOP “identity theft” robocalls idea stolen from shameful California labor group initiative


A couple of weeks ago, I reported on a series of robocalls being conducted on the west side of the state warning people not to sign petitions because of the threat of identity theft. It’s a particularly odious tactic to suppress petition signature rates in the myriad recall and repeal efforts against Republicans across the state.

Turns out the idea originated in California with a coalition of labor groups calling themselves Californians Against Identity Theft. This group is running radio ads in addition to their absurd website. The labor groups involved are the California Building and Construction Trades Council and the California State Pipe Trades Council. The spokesperson for the group, Roger Salazar is a Democratic consultant who has worked for Gray Davis, the Clinton administration and on the primary campaign of John Edwards. Ray Medeiros of the The Ray Medeiros Show contacted the Building and Construction Trades Council and confirmed their involvement.

As you look through their at their website, you see much of the same language adopted by the Michigan Republicans running the robocalls in Berrien County. It’s clear where they got their ideas.

There’s nothing more to say other than that this is total bullshit. These are completely transparent attempts to thwart ballot initiatives and democratic processes. If you can’t fight your opponents without resorting to this kind of crap, you’re as bad or worse than they are.

We should be better than this. We ARE better than this.

Hat tip: We Party Patriots.
