Tag: GOPocrisy

Republican Tom McMillin introduces legislation that even I can support – making CEOs pee in a cup

Republican Tom McMillin introduces legislation that even I can support – making CEOs pee in a cup

Never gonna happen… Michigan Republican House member Tom McMillin who is on the House Education, Financial Liability Reform and Regulatory Reform committees is someone with whom I rarely agree. His attacks on education, in particular, make him one of the most reviled Republicans in the House. However, he has introduced legislation in this session and in the last session that […]

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UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

UPDATED – Republicans reject proposal to end healthcare subsidies for government employees because it would affect their staff

File this one under “Hypocrisy, blatant” This right here? This tells you everything you need to know about just how hypocritical Republicans in Washington, D.C. are: One other option includes canceling health-insurance subsidies for some government employees, including members of Congress and their staff. But there’s internal resistance to this measure among House Republicans, mainly because low-paid aides would be […]

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Tea partier Tim Walberg has been on the public teat for 30 years and will stay there when he retires

Tea partier Tim Walberg has been on the public teat for 30 years and will stay there when he retires

Got hypocrisy? Tim Walberg is a member of the “Tea Party Caucus” in Congress and has declared publicly that he “was a tea partier before there was a tea party”. When it comes to wasting taxpayer money by fighting implementation of the Affordable Care Act through obstruction and a laughable number of repeal attempts, you won’t find anyone more determined […]

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Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

Pennsylvania lawmaker: Gays don’t have free speech rights

First amendment, schmirst amendment…

Philadelphia Republican Daryl Metcalfe is a deeply religious man. So deeply religious that he believes his God hates gays and so deeply religious that he believes his version of God’s Word allows him to prevent gay people from exercising the right to free speech.

Yesterday, during a state House session, Democrat Brian Sims, an openly gay man, rose to give comments on the floor of the House regarding the Supreme Court’s rulings striking down the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s anti-gay Prop 8. Metcalfe used a parliamentary procedure to prevent him from speaking. Why? Because “there’s no free speech on the floor”. Not for gays anyway.

Click through for more.

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GOP: Obamacare is evil. Except when it makes me look very, very good.

GOP: Obamacare is evil. Except when it makes me look very, very good.

GOPocrisy at it finest

Lee Fang has a great piece up at The Nation this week detailing new evidence of the unrelenting hypocrisy of Republican legislators on the Affordable Care Act. After spending four years demonizing it, many of them continue reap the political gains from the benefits it brings to their communities.

Click through for more.

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Detroit teachers ratify new contract, join 40 other schools and 5 universities facing punishment from Michigan GOP

Detroit teachers ratify new contract, join 40 other schools and 5 universities facing punishment from Michigan GOP

Republicans punishing schools for 100% legal union contracts

This week, Detroit Public School teachers ratified a new union contract that staves off the impact of a new Right to Work law that goes into effect tomorrow. While the contract doesn’t give much to the teachers, it at least provides them with continued collective bargaining rights into the future.

With this action, the DPS now joins at least 40 other schools and five universities that face punitive action from Michigan Republicans who seek to deny them and some cities critical funding in a childish act of retribution.

Details and commentary after the jump.

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“Small government” Michigan GOP passed so many bills, Lt. Gov. has to take up slack signing them

“Small government” Michigan GOP passed so many bills, Lt. Gov. has to take up slack signing them

Small government, my butt

As I wrote last week, the hypocritical “small government” Republicans passed 282 bills during the short inflamed duck session. So many, in fact, that when Governor Snyder took a holiday break outside of the state, Lt. Governor Brian Calley was enlisted to sign 50 of them.

More after the Eclectablog cliff.

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The cruel and pathetic hypocrisy of Republicans on disaster relief

The cruel and pathetic hypocrisy of Republicans on disaster relief

Oh, the humanity (unless it’s not in my district) Yesterday, Representative Peter King from New York took to the House floor to lambast Speaker John Boehner and others who are holding up disaster relief to victims of Hurricane Sandy. “I can’t imagine that type of indifference, that type of disregard, that cavalier attitude being shown to any other part of […]

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Michigan Republicans prove their hypocrisy on “small government” by passing 282 bills during lame duck session

Michigan Republicans prove their hypocrisy on “small government” by passing 282 bills during lame duck session

Inflamed duck, indeed I knew that Republicans had passed a lot of bills through the Michigan legislature during the lame inflamed duck session but I had absolutely no idea just completely batshit nuts they had gone until this morning. That’s when I read this headline at Michigan Radio: MICHIGAN GOVERNOR MAKING HIS WAY THROUGH 282 BILLS Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder […]

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Obama administration & Dems play Good Cop, Bad Cop with Norquist-worshipping Republicans

Obama administration & Dems play Good Cop, Bad Cop with Norquist-worshipping Republicans

Pay no attention to the lobbyist behind the curtain

As LOLGOP pointed out this morning, there are Republicans who handily won re-election in their gerrymandered districts who do not fear the fiscal cliff. They can serve their two-percenter masters without fear that plunging our country into another recession will hurt their political careers in any way. But President Obama has a couple of things going for him. The first is that most Americans WILL blame the Republicans for “going there” if we do, indeed, go off the mythical cliff. Then there’s the fact that he won the election largely because he promised the super-wealthy would no longer be allowed to avoid paying their fair share in taxes.

Democrats are beginning to show some real spine in this debate. Politico reports today that many of them are ready to use their success on November 6th to restore some sanity to our budget.

Details after the jump.

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Romney says he’ll balance the budget in “EIGHT TO TEN years”, slams Obama for not doing it in FOUR

Romney says he’ll balance the budget in “EIGHT TO TEN years”, slams Obama for not doing it in FOUR


Here’s something you may have missed during last night’s debate. Although the debate was supposed to be about foreign policy, it often veered back to domestic policy and the economy. During one of those veers, Mitt Romney said this:

“Come on our website. You look at how we get to a balanced budget within eight to 10 years. We do it by getting — by reducing spending in a whole series of programs.”

See why this is an unbelievably hypocritical statement after the jump.

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