Category: Politics

Oh So [UN]Classy

Oh So [UN]Classy

Bitter much? [Marilyn] Musgrave, a Republican who’s been representing Colorado’s 4th District since 2002, became part of the Republican Casualty List when she lost in a landslide, even after the National Republican Congressional Committee doled out almost a million bucks (reportedly $900,000) for her campaign. Two weeks after the brutal loss, Musgrave still hasn’t called her opponent to concede or […]

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Ted Stevens: You’re FIRED!!!

Ted Stevens: You’re FIRED!!!

Convicted felon, Senator Ted Stevens (Douchebag-AK) has been defeated in his bid to retain his seat in Congress. He was the longest serving felon Senator in the Senate and the longest serving Republican Senator ever. His seat will be filled by Anchorage mayor, Mark Begich, a noted non-felon. And for that, the world rejoiced. Good-bye Senator Douchebag. Enjoy your time […]

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Future of the Republican Party, My Ass

I just get the biggest laugh out of all this ridiculous talk about “Palin 2012” like she’s got some kind of serious shot at being on the top of the GOP ticket in 2012. Gimme a break. The woman can barely string together a coherent sentence without written remarks in front of her. She’s given one (ONE!) press conference since […]

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We Won Milan, Michigan!!!

We Won Milan, Michigan!!!

Yesterday was a bittersweet day as we spent it taking apart the downtown Ann Arbor Obama HQ. Most of the Field Organizers as well as our Regional Field Director will leave town in the next few days, returning to their homes. But what an impact they had in Michigan. One of the most striking victories for our group was the […]

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Eclectablog the Plumber and Sarah Palin

Eclectablog the Plumber and Sarah Palin

We were having a beer at the Arbor Brewing Company last night after spending the day preparing for four solid days of Get Out The Vote (GOTV) activities. We’ll spend 12-hour days (or more) between now and when the poll close on Tuesday getting Barack Obama elected. While we were at the pub, Sarah Palin stopped by and Mrs. E. […]

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Mrs. E.’s Midwest Battleground Tour

Mrs. E. undertook a two-day trip through the two Midwest battleground states of Ohio and Indiana last week. She stopped at the campaign headquarters of both Barack Obama and John McCain, and asked volunteers there the same question: “What is it about this election year that inspires you to volunteer?” Their answers along with a photo slideshow are now posted […]

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Not All Bitters are Anti-Obama

I have another Huffington Post piece up today, talking about how busy Obama volunteers (like me) have pretty much put off everything that’s non-essential in their lives until after the election. Read it HERE. In the process of gathering the quotes, I had a couple of interesting email conversations and there was one, in particular, that I found fascinating. It […]

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Obama Leads by Example – Pushing ‘Til the End!

Seven more days. I woke with a sinus headache and the sniffles this morning – bound to be a cold coming on. Lost of people at the Campaign for Change headquarters pulling long shifts and looking a bit blearly. Temps dropping into the 30s this week with snow in the forecast. But we’re not letting up one bit in Michigan, […]

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The Axis of Weasel

The Axis of Weasel

This is perfect: Have you ever wondered about the inner-workings of a big time, presidential campaign? Asked yourself, how do they do it? How do they craft a message and get it out to the American people? Well, if you’re John McCain and are 7 days away from seeing your lifelong ambition go down the toilet, it’s simple. You join […]

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McCain: ZERO Percent Chance of Winning

McCain: ZERO Percent Chance of Winning

I don’t believe it’s a certainty (yet) but this does put a smile on my face. From Ouch. I’m just sayin’…

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Morally and Intellectually Slothful People

Christopher Hitchens nails it: This is what the Republican Party has done to us this year: It has placed within reach of the Oval Office a woman who is a religious fanatic and a proud, boastful ignoramus. Those who despise science and learning are not anti-elitist. They are morally and intellectually slothful people who are secretly envious of the educated […]

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