Category: Mitt Romney

OMG! Romney is ahead in Michigan and by 14 points in Florida!!!

OMG! Romney is ahead in Michigan and by 14 points in Florida!!!

It’s a MIRACLE!!!

Oh, my freaking GOD! Romney has pulled ahead of Obama in both Michigan and in Florida! The Ryan Splat turned out to be the Ryan Kertwang after all!

That’s what one of the most highly discredited polling firms in the country, Foster McCollum White & Associates, says. Their Michigan poll, released on Friday, is breathlessly titled “Its official, Paul Ryan has created a significant bounce for Mitt Romney and down the ballot as well, creating a new challenge for President Obama and Democrats, per poll”. The poll has President Obama down by almost 4 percentage points and, hilariously, has Pete Hoekstra up by over two over Senator Debbie Stabenow.

Problem is, the people they polled were ridiculously old and white, way more so than the people who typically vote.

Details after the jump.

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Will Romney & Ryan demand the GOP platform reflect their new views on abortion? Let’s ask them.

Will Romney & Ryan demand the GOP platform reflect their new views on abortion? Let’s ask them.

Who’s in charge of this party anyway?

Senate Candidate Todd Akin is now running away from his odious comment about “legitimate rape” and, in the process, proving he doesn’t have a damn clue about why it was so offensive in the first place. He’s now saying that he meant to say “forcible rape”, completely missing the point that nobody but completely out-of-touch conservatives believes that women rarely get pregnant from rape. The statistics show otherwise.

Akin’s not-so-subtle implication is that, if a women gets pregnant from rape, she must have enjoyed it.

This week the Republicans will put the finishing touches on their party platform. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan have suddenly Etch-A-Sketched their positions on abortion being legal in the case of rape and now say they now support an exception being made when a woman is raped so that they are not forced to bear the child of their rapist if they choose not to. The question is how they square this with their own Party’s platform that is sure to be absent of that exception.

Let’s ask them.

Much more after the jump.

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Romney poll numbers get the Ryan Splat, Dems fired up

Romney poll numbers get the Ryan Splat, Dems fired up

So much for charging up the base…

Although the Romney campaign clearly hoped the selection of Super and True Conservative Paul Ryan as his running mate would fire up his base and, more importantly, fire up his polling numbers, the truth is, it hasn’t.

Reuters reports that only 26 percent of people they polled view Romney more favorably after his choice of Ryan for Vice President. Gallup polling shows that his support number went from 46% to 47% among registered voters after the VP announcement.


So much for that.

Much more after the jump.

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Mammas, Don’t Take Away Your Babies’ Medicare

Mammas, Don’t Take Away Your Babies’ Medicare

By killing Medicare we make it stronger. And by “it,” I mean Mitt Romney’s tax breaks. There it was, on Facebook. A smiling picture of Mitt with a caption, “Your Mom likes Mitt Romney.” A promoted ad purchased by the Romney campaign to use my Facebook connection to get me to “like” the Republican nominee for president. A nominee who […]

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Obama campaign debunks Romney’s desperate plan to lie about Medicare (VIDEOS)

Obama campaign debunks Romney’s desperate plan to lie about Medicare (VIDEOS)

If you have to lie, you’ve already lost

Mitt Romney has launched a desperate, two-fold plan these past two weeks. Part 1: Lie, lie, lie, lie. The only way he can change the discussion about President Obama’s record is to lie and, as we’ve pointed out already (HERE and HERE), he’s perfectly willing to go down as the biggest, most blatant liar to run for president in modern times.

Part 2: Whine about how mean and low and angry and divisive President Obama is. This guy is trying to characterize “No Drama Obama” as the Angry Black Man Republicans are well known for exploiting. They will lie and call the President all sorts of things and then turn around and accuse HIM of being low and mean and divisive. The fact is, and this has to be clear to anyone paying attention, the Romney campaign is built around a core of creating an “Us vs. Them”, “They are just jealous of you” divisive messaging.

The recent lies and scare-mongering on Medicare bring all of this into sharp focus. Romney dumbed down his dumb message even more by drawing out his lies on a white board, a la Glenn Beck. The Obama campaign responded today with another awesome video from Stephanie Cutter, the Deputy Campaign Manager for Obama for America.

Enjoy it and their latest television ad after the jump.

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Romney won’t give you details because he thinks you won’t like them (and he’ll lose)

Romney won’t give you details because he thinks you won’t like them (and he’ll lose)

At last, an honest answer…

Turns out there’s a reason that Mitt Romney won’t give us details about any of his plans: he thinks if he does, Americans won’t like them and he’ll lose the election.

As Steve Benen put it at The Maddow Blog, “It’s better, he effectively argued, to hide the facts from voters until after the election.”

Proof after the jump.

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Paul Ryan has a memory problem, Obama campaign makes Romney an offer (refused!)

Paul Ryan has a memory problem, Obama campaign makes Romney an offer (refused!)

How can you forget millions in income???

Mitt Romney’s pick for Vice President, Paul Ryan, appears to have himself quite a memory problem. First, he had to amend two years of tax returns before he was confirmed as the VP pick. Why?

Because he neglected to report income of between $1 million and $5 million.

As Texas governor Rick Perry would say: Oops.

Much, much more after the jump.

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How you know Republicans are desperate: the Swiftboating against Obama begins

How you know Republicans are desperate: the Swiftboating against Obama begins

So, okay, NOBODY is buying this one…

The Ryan/Romney campaign appears to be in full melt down at the moment. Romney has spent the past two days whining about how mean President Obama and Vice President Biden are to any crowd or reporter that will listen. After spending the past three week telling blatantly made up lies about the President as if they were fact, he’s sniveling that the Obama campaign has “gone to the gutter” because they are telling the truth about the Ryan/Romney budget that will destroy the middle class and transfer massive amounts of their wealth to the super-rich.

It’s laughable and happening way earlier than I predicted it would. Hell, John McCain didn’t lose his shit until after he got the nomination but Romney is already going cuckoo.

But now we get the real evidence that the Republicans have gone around the bend. A group called “OPSEC” has a new 22-minute video out that claims the Obama administration leaked details about the mission that took the life of Osama bin Laden to score political points.

Details about this lame act of desperation after the jump.

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Chuck Todd calls out a Romney surrogate liar on his lie

Chuck Todd calls out a Romney surrogate liar on his lie

You’re a freaking LIAR, Governor!

This is what journalism looks like. MSNBC reporter Chuck Todd calls out Iowa Governor and Lying Romney Surrogate Terry E. Branstad on his lying about the ridiculous claim that President Obama has removed the work requirement for welfare recipients.

Video after the jump.

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Blatant lying by Ryan/Romney continues – hits Obama for Medicare cuts in their own budget

Blatant lying by Ryan/Romney continues – hits Obama for Medicare cuts in their own budget

These guys are out of control

As is becoming increasingly clear to anyone paying attention to the 2012 presidential election, the Ryan/Romney campaign has given up all hope of winning on the issues and on their record and have resorted to unprecedented lyingliterally making things up about President Obama and then putting it out as truth in stump speeches, online videos, television ads, appearances by surrogates on news programs and in fundraising emails.

There is a new one this week and it takes the LYING and HYPOCRISY to a new and rather incredible level.

The Ryan/Romney campaign is claiming that President Obama stripped $716 billion out of Medicare benefits “to pay for Obamacare”.

This is a lie.

Also, those same cuts, which I’ll describe in a moment, are in the Ryan budget plan that Mitt Romney has endorsed.

Details and more after the jump.

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The One “Issue” Paul Ryan Brings Up

The One “Issue” Paul Ryan Brings Up

Republicans’ new favorite talking point is that by Mitt Romney nominating Paul Ryan to be his running mate it means that it’s more likely we’ll talk about issues. There’s only one issue Paul Ryan brings up. As someone who voted for the Iraq War, the Bush tax breaks and an unfunded Medicare Part D then proposed a budget that guts […]

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