GOPocrisy, Michigan, Rick Snyder — April 20, 2011 at 11:44 pm

Mich Gov. Rick Snyder’s fake “concession” on the Earned Income Tax Credit


We could all learn a little bit about negotiating from the Republicans, I suppose.

Michigan Governor Rick Snyder’s proposed budget eliminates the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) which helps the working poor, especially those with kids.

In a dramatic concession, he’s agreed to give qualifying families $25 per child . This represents 5.8% of the EITC the average family would have received.

He will now tell everyone he made a concession. But, if his budget passes in May as it most likely will, he will have actually slashed an important bit of assistance for many poor Michiganders with families by 94.2%.

All to help pay for an 86% tax cut for businesses.

Because that’s how they roll.

I’m just sayin’…
