This is just effed. You wanna know what generates the most traffic on this site? It’s from the raunchy picture found in a blog entry I did during the campaign last year called “Cindy McCain Gone Wild!!!” It shows two women in a sexually-explicit position (clothed but simulating…stuff) who are participating in the Miss Buffalo Chip “beauty pageant” at the Bikers’ Meet in Sturgis, South Dakota.
The one that then-candidate John McCain said his wife Cindy should enter.
If you look at the top referrers to my site, most of the time it looks like this:

It’s unreal. I get most of my traffic from people doing Google image searches on things like “Miss Buffalo Chip”, “biker rally girls” and “biker rally photos”. What kind of person would that be, do ya think?
I tell ya one thing, I’ll bet they are REEEEEEALLY surprised when they get here, eh?
I’m just sayin’…
Adding…in retrospect, I have probably just reinforced the occurrence of these hits but putting up this post. Awesome.