Tag: Public education

Republican plan to fund road repairs will strip nearly $1 billion MORE from Michigan schools each year

Republican plan to fund road repairs will strip nearly $1 billion MORE from Michigan schools each year

Republican House Speaker Jase Bolger wants you to believe that he’s found a magical way to fund road repairs without raising your taxes! While it’s true that your gas taxes and sales taxes won’t increase, the entire scheme is based on taking nearly a billion dollars more from schools each year. Local municipalities will take a huge hit, too. How […]

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Fixing Education:  The conversation we never seem to have

Fixing Education: The conversation we never seem to have

Public Education is a partnership and has been for many decades now. That partnership includes our local communities, the school board, our cities, the state, and the federal government, to simplify this part of my message. For many years Public Education was working well. It educated us all, kept to constitutional promises, improved over time. It was a natural or […]

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Why I hate one-issue voters and why I am asking you to be one — just this once

Why I hate one-issue voters and why I am asking you to be one — just this once

According to Dictionary.com, hatred is defined in this way: verb (used without object), hated, hating. To feel intense dislike, or extreme aversion or hostility. It is my firm belief that as a society we use the word hate too casually. I offer this preamble to my last shot at motivating you to vote, act, and make sure others vote tomorrow, […]

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REMINDER: Michigan Teachers & Allies for Change rally for public schools in Ann Arbor TODAY!

REMINDER: Michigan Teachers & Allies for Change rally for public schools in Ann Arbor TODAY!

I am reposting this as a reminder that there is a rally to support public education TODAY in Ann Arbor from 5:30-6:30 at Liberty Plaza. Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Lisa Brown will be the headliner. Michigan Teachers and Allies for Change (M-TAC), a grassroots group of teachers and allies working on behalf of public education, is hosting a rally […]

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EVENT: Michigan Teachers & Allies for Change rally for public schools in Ann Arbor this THURSDAY, 8/28/14

EVENT: Michigan Teachers & Allies for Change rally for public schools in Ann Arbor this THURSDAY, 8/28/14

Michigan Teachers and Allies for Change (M-TAC), a grassroots group of teachers and allies working on behalf of public education, is hosting a rally in support of public education this Thursday, August 28th, from 5:30 to 6:30. The event will take place at Liberty Plaza in downtown Ann Arbor. Speakers include Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Lisa Brown, State Representative […]

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UPDATED: Who gets held responsible when kids violently fight in schools? – The EAA vs. public schools

UPDATED: Who gets held responsible when kids violently fight in schools? – The EAA vs. public schools

Last week, a vicious fight broke out between two students at the Education Achievement Authority’s Pershing High School. With a non-functional walkie-talkie and no other adults around to help, teacher Tiffani Eaton had to act fast as the two brawling boys thrashed around the room, punching each other, and knocking over desks. She grabbed a broom handle and whacked one […]

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Pontiac for-profit charter cancels humiliating “Teacher Appreciation Week” activities

Pontiac for-profit charter cancels humiliating “Teacher Appreciation Week” activities

Yesterday, I wrote about the activities planned for teachers at the Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac (ATAP), a for-profit charter school run by Mosaica. These “Teacher Appreciation Week” activities featured a variety of what can only be described as humiliating activities planned for the teachers to raise funds for the school. They included: MANDIVA – Our 3 favorite male […]

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UPDATED: For-profit charter group Mosaica celebrates “Teacher Appreciation Week” with compulsory teacher humiliation activities

UPDATED: For-profit charter group Mosaica celebrates “Teacher Appreciation Week” with compulsory teacher humiliation activities

Teacher humiliation for fun and profit Mosaica Education, Inc., a self-described “for-profit education management organization”, runs eight different for-profit schools in Michigan: Arts and Technology Academy of Pontiac Bay County Public School Academy Bingham Arts Academy Edgewood Elementary School Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School Mosaica Online Academy of Michigan Muskegon Heights High School Muskegon Heights Middle School In fact, […]

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Public opinion against EAA expansion grows as Republicans modify bill to gain enough votes

Public opinion against EAA expansion grows as Republicans modify bill to gain enough votes

I slipped out of the country for a few days’ vacation in Mexico this past week and was pleased to learn upon my return that the EAA expansion bill has not yet been passed. What I have heard is that the Republicans pushing this legislation are only one vote short or that they may, in fact, now have enough and […]

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Upcoming Michigan for Public Education meeting to host three pro-public ed speakers this Friday

Upcoming Michigan for Public Education meeting to host three pro-public ed speakers this Friday

In addition to the multiple other education-related events happening in Michigan this week (details on the others HERE), the group Michigan for Public Education is holding its quarterly speakers meeting this Friday, March 14. This event will host three outstanding speakers covering an array of topics related to protecting our public education system in Michigan: David Arsen, Ph.D. from MSU […]

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