Category: unions

GOP out to defeat unions, not rein in budgets

GOP out to defeat unions, not rein in budgets

This graphic from an email sent out by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) in a fundraising email this week tells you everything you need to know about the relationship between American union members and the GOP: DEFEAT THE UNIONS IN 2012!!! Remember, in Wisconsin, the front line in the GOP’s war against American labor unions, it is NOT about […]

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Tea partiers outnumbered by union protesters at Michigan Capitol 50-to-1

Tea partiers outnumbered by union protesters at Michigan Capitol 50-to-1

This is starting to become a trend. Today in Lansing between 1,000 and 1,500 people, mainly union members, rallied at the Capitol Building. They were protesting a number of things including new Republican Governor Rick Snyder’s budget as well as a number of anti-union bills currently in before the Republican-run State Congress. Two different tea party groups planned a “counter-protest” […]

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More details on the AFL-CIO’s Lobby Day in Lansing

From the Michigan AFL-CIO: Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, February 22, 2011, for a LOBBY DAY in Lansing. We will begin at the Central United Methodist Church at 9:00 AM on Tuesday. There will be a briefing on anti-worker legislation that is moving through the House and Senate, followed by a talk with State Representative Woodrow Stanley (D-Flint). We will […]

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Fun governor facts!

Guess which governor doesn’t have a college degree? Yup, Wisconsin governor Scott Walker. Explains so much doesn’t it? Like how he became the tea party candidate for governor. And how he allowed himself to be purchased by the Koch brothers. And how he could cut taxes by $140 million creating a $137 million deficit that he then felt he had […]

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