Category: LGBT

The profound error of the 6th Circuit Court’s marriage equality decision can be found in 1st sentence of their opinion

The profound error of the 6th Circuit Court’s marriage equality decision can be found in 1st sentence of their opinion

Yesterday, the 6th Circuit Court upheld same-sex marriage bans in four states. Their decision was the opposite of four other federal court decisions on this issue, all but ensuring it will end up in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court. Their 2-1 decision, as explained in the majority opinion (read it HERE), was flawed, something made obvious and clear […]

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GOP Todd Courser campaign worker: “Would you change your vote if you knew his opponent has ‘faggots & blacks working for her?'”

GOP Todd Courser campaign worker: “Would you change your vote if you knew his opponent has ‘faggots & blacks working for her?'”

A year and a half ago, Michigan Republican Party Chair got the scare of his life when tea party hero and “Freedom Caucus” favorite Todd Courser nearly defeated him in a narrow 833 to 768 vote for the Chair position. At the time, Courser made it very clear that he was working toward a tea party takeover of the Michigan […]

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GUEST POST: The stark contrast between Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer on marriage equality

GUEST POST: The stark contrast between Rick Snyder and Mark Schauer on marriage equality

This post was written by my dear friend Amy Hunter. Amy and I have known each other for several years thanks to Facebook and Twitter but only met in person for the first time this past summer at the Netroots Nation conference where we appeared on Lizz Winstead’s “Morning News Dump” together. Amy is President and Chair of the Kalamazoo […]

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How the high cost of HIV/AIDS drugs puts lives at risk — and what’s being done to change that

How the high cost of HIV/AIDS drugs puts lives at risk — and what’s being done to change that

Even with insurance, some people can’t afford treatment or preventive medications. Advocates are working on solutions. Imagine being diagnosed with HIV, the virus that can cause AIDS, and being reassured that with treatment there’s no reason for the quality or length of your life to be diminished. Then imagine being told that the drugs you need to start taking right […]

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DONATE: Josh Derke, the Michigan Dem who epically smacked down homophobic, anti-gay group now has a fundraising page

DONATE: Josh Derke, the Michigan Dem who epically smacked down homophobic, anti-gay group now has a fundraising page

A couple of days ago I wrote about the letter Josh Derke, candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sent to the anti-gay, ragingly homophobic leader of the group “Public Advocate of the United States”. It was an epic, eloquent smack down and the piece has gone viral getting over 11,500 hits as of this morning. The cross-posted version at Daily […]

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UPDATED: Dem candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sends epic response to anti-gay hate group

UPDATED: Dem candidate for Michigan’s 93rd House District sends epic response to anti-gay hate group

UPDATE: Josh Derke now has a fundraising page up at Please support this incredible Democrat. You’ve probably heard of the Westboro Baptist Church and their hideously offensive protests. You may not have heard, however, of the Public Advocate of the United States. Public Advocate has been rightfully designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and […]

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UPDATED: Michigan Dems take leadership role on women’s access to contraception and LGBT civil rights

UPDATED: Michigan Dems take leadership role on women’s access to contraception and LGBT civil rights

Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer This week, as Michigan’s legislature comes back to work, Michigan Democrats are taking a proactive leadership role on two critical issues. First, Senate Democratic Leader Gretchen Whitmer and House Rep. Gretchen Driskell (maybe we should call them “The Fighting Gretchens”?) announced that they will introduce legislation requiring companies who choose to deny women access to […]

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EVENT: Rally for marriage equality in Detroit, Thursday, August 21st

EVENT: Rally for marriage equality in Detroit, Thursday, August 21st

This Thursday, there will be a rally at the Detroit Courthouse to support marriage equality in Michigan and the 300 same-sex couples who were married in March. Here are the details, via Michigan for Marriage: Join us in Detroit at a rally for the freedom to marry After a federal judge struck down Michigan’s marriage ban in March, more than […]

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Why Michigan, and every state, should outlaw sexual orientation conversion therapy

Why Michigan, and every state, should outlaw sexual orientation conversion therapy

Michigan Representative Adam F. Zemke has introduced a bill to prohibit the harmful practice and protect LGBT youth. Imagine being told every day during adolescence that there was something terribly wrong with you, and that you’d never be loved or happy until you changed it — even though it wasn’t something within your power to change. That’s exactly what happens […]

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Michigan insurers are denying transgender people coverage for necessary medical care

Michigan insurers are denying transgender people coverage for necessary medical care

Advocates are working to get the same services covered for trans men and women that are covered for everyone else. Jay Maddock has known he was a man for most of his life, even though that’s not the body he was born with. At age five, he told his dad he wanted to be a man, and was fortunate to […]

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VIDEO: Burger King embraces LGBT equality in a simple and profound way – The “Proud Whopper”

VIDEO: Burger King embraces LGBT equality in a simple and profound way – The “Proud Whopper”

So, like it’s a like gay burger or what…? I’m not a fast food eating sort of dude but this right here is pure awesome. Burger King’s “Proud Whopper”. They did it at one location only in San Francisco but it needs to be done everywhere from time to time. Go, Burger King. I’m lovin’ it (so to speak.)

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