Category: Education

New Education Achievement Authority leader’s former school district loses its accreditation

Last month, I wrote about the selection of John Covington to run a new group in Michigan called Education Achievement Authority (EAA) tasked with helping to work with failing schools. I also wrote that he faked a conflict with his former employer to get out of his contract and could make as much as $1.4 million in four years. Today, […]

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More on MI Senate Leader Randy Richardville’s attacks on teachers and municipalities

As I reported last week, GOP Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville is out to make Michigan a right to work state, but only for teachers. He said so on Tim Skubick’s “Off the Record”. In an interview with MIRS news service, he went even further, ridiculously saying he doesn’t think teachers realize that Michigan is having economic problems. Senate Majority […]

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The final step too far: outsourcing TEACHING to private firms in Michigan

When you have done nearly all there is to do to hurt teachers, what remains? It’s simple, really. Outsource their jobs. Privatize the actual education of our children. And that’s just what Michigan Senator Phil Pavlov (25th District), who cancelled his only townhall meeting this summer, is planning to do. School districts could hire school teachers through a private company, […]

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John Covington, new chancellor for failing Michigan schools, faked conflict to break his previous contract

John Covington, new chancellor for failing Michigan schools, faked conflict to break his previous contract

This past week, John Covington was hired by the state of Michigan to oversee a collection of underperforming schools in the state. The new group, the Education Achievement Authority (EAA), will focus its efforts on improving failing schools around Michigan. In his new position, Covington may make as much as $1.5 million per year over 4 years if he meets […]

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Republicans find another $75 million for their tax cuts. The students had it all along.

It’s just so damned easy to find money from sources without the resources to fight back, innit? Like college students: Michigan has removed about 30,000 college students from its food stamp program — close to double the initial estimate — saving about $75 million a year, says Human Services Director Maura Corrigan. Federal rules don’t allow most college students to […]

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Why the Michigan GOP took the “Financial” out of “Emergency Financial Manager”

When Michigan Republicans passed the legislation that became Michigan Public Act 4 of 2011 or P.A. 4 or the “Emergency Manager Act” or “local government and school district fiscal accountability act” or, as I call it, the Financial Martial Law Act, they took a subtle step that few noticed. They changed the name of “Emergency Financial Manager” to simply “Emergency […]

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Iowa Republican to students at Congressional hearings: Shut up and “go home”

State Senate Republican Shawn Hamerlinck made it clear yesterday that he has no use for the political opinions of students. After students representing each of Iowa’s state Universities testified before the Senate Education Appropriation Committee today to oppose severe budget cuts for higher education, Senator Shawn Hamerlinck of Dixon, ranking Republican on the committee, responded to the students’ testimony by […]

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Teacher & union-hating Rep. Bill Rogers to head education reform group in Michigan

Oh, great. Rep. Bill Rogers, the guy who sponsored two bills to diminish, threaten and punish unionized teachers in Michigan is now heading up a group reform Michigan’s entire education system. State Rep. Bill Rogers, R-Genoa Township, is spearheading an education-reform work group he said will be “proactive instead of reactive” in pursuing changes to education funding and how students […]

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Mission Accomplished – Michigan Republicans pass Sndyer’s package of budget bills ahead of schedule

Mission Accomplished – Michigan Republicans pass Sndyer’s package of budget bills ahead of schedule

It’s oh-so-much easier to get things done when you have both houses of the Legislature and the Governor’s office in your control. Today, Michigan Republicans showed just how much easier it is. Both the state House and Senate completed passage of the various packages of budgetary bills this week and, today, in a wham, bam, thank you, ma’am flurry of […]

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Thousands rally to protest Rick Snyder’s cuts to education in Michigan

Thousands rally to protest Rick Snyder’s cuts to education in Michigan

UPDATED with some new photos. Several thousand people rally in front of Michigan’s Capitol building. A great turnout and LOTS of Snyder recall petitions being signed. There had to have been at least 5,000 people there. Maybe more. I was able to catch a bit of it. Here are some photos. Enjoy. Click the photo for a bigger version. Approaching […]

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Apparently it’s not raining inside the Michigan Governor’s mansion

Apparently it’s not raining inside the Michigan Governor’s mansion

Michigan got some good news this week. LANSING — A healthier Michigan economy is churning more tax revenue than was expected and will produce a $429-million windfall for the state this fiscal year, economists agreed Monday. Another $234 million in extra revenue was predicted for 2012… That’s terrific, eh? I mean, honestly, fewer states could use it more than Michigan […]

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