Category: Conservatives

My Planet Fitness post provokes a “rebuttal” from extremist right-wing “Christian” hypocrites

My Planet Fitness post provokes a “rebuttal” from extremist right-wing “Christian” hypocrites

My post yesterday, “Anti-trans* woman uses Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to sue Planet Fitness for terminating her membership” (which I cross-posted at Daily Kos) provoked a response from the so-called “Christians” at today. The piece is written by Ellis Washington, a founding board member of Salt and Light Global, and is titled “Salt and Light Global targeted for […]

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Anti-trans* woman  uses Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to sue Planet Fitness for terminating her membership

Anti-trans* woman uses Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to sue Planet Fitness for terminating her membership

Earlier this month I wrote about a woman in Midland who had her Planet Fitness membership cancelled because she spent her days in their gym warning anyone who would listen that Planet Fitness had a “No Judgment Zone” policy that permitted a transgender woman to enter the women’s locker room. Keep in mind that their locker rooms have private changing […]

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NEWS ROUND-UP: This week in GOP idiocy in Michigan

NEWS ROUND-UP: This week in GOP idiocy in Michigan

There’s been so much in the news about over-the-top idiocy from Michigan Republicans lately that I thought I’d just put them all in one post. Over the past week or so, they’ve been trying to further degrade a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion and to corrupt our democracy by rigging the electoral system in favor of […]

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What Goes Around Comes Around…WAY Around!

What Goes Around Comes Around…WAY Around!

A few weeks back, in what I knew would be a predictable response to my support for Proposal 1, MANY of you took me to task for my “fascist” and anti-Democratic reasoning to why I supported Proposal 1 (which you can read here). You have that right, I have that right, and we now find ourselves approximately eight weeks away […]

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In the eyes of GOP Gov. Scott Walker, exercising your freedom of speech & assembly is an act of ISIS-like terror

In the eyes of GOP Gov. Scott Walker, exercising your freedom of speech & assembly is an act of ISIS-like terror

The annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) gives us all a raw look at how far conservativism has devolved from the days of Ronald Reagan. Instead of continuing down the path blazed by Reagan, conservatives have chosen instead to follow the racist bigotry and worship of all things corporate started by the John Birch Society in the middle of the […]

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Brighton Area Schools declines to vote on chartering tea party school, potentially avoids costly election

Brighton Area Schools declines to vote on chartering tea party school, potentially avoids costly election

Last night, the Brighton Area Schools (BAS) board declined to take a vote on chartering the tea party “classical academy” being pushed by Pasquale Battaglia and a coalition of homeschooling parents. You can read more on the history of this politically extreme group HERE. After months of heated public discussion, the Brighton Area Schools Board of Education refused to even […]

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Michigan Republicans get right on further degrading a woman’s right to seek healthcare

Michigan Republicans get right on further degrading a woman’s right to seek healthcare

We knew it was coming. It was only a matter of when. That “when” was yesterday. Yesterday was when ultra-conservative Republican legislator Thomas Hooker introduced House Bills 4145 and 4146. HB 4145 is a one-sentence bill that says, “Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the Department of Community Health, all other State departments, and all State agencies shall […]

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Corporatists benefit most from fight over increasing Michigan’s sales tax for road repair

Corporatists benefit most from fight over increasing Michigan’s sales tax for road repair

Let’s you and him fight… Thanks to the division within the Michigan Republican Party, the state legislature which is dominated by Republicans was unable to find a way to fund our roads. Their internal disputes led them to toss the decision to voters who will decide if we should the state sales tax by one-percent to pay for road repairs, […]

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Brighton Area Schools board votes down chartering of tea party charter school

Brighton Area Schools board votes down chartering of tea party charter school

At their meeting on Monday night, the board of Brighton Area Schools held a consensus vote on chartering a tea party charter school being proposed by the “American Classical Academy Coalition (ACAC)” (formerly the “American Christian Academy”.) The vote was 6-to-1 against chartering the “Lindbom Classical Academy” and a formal up-or-down vote has been put on the agenda for their […]

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Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Freshman Michigan tea party legislator Todd Courser whines about seating assignments on House floor

Tea party Republican Todd Courser is the comical gift that keeps on giving. His latest social media missive is titled “What about the seats?” and is over 2,000 whining words about the tyranny of the state House seating chart. Srsly. It’s hard at times to know what should and should not be shared with people about the mechanical processes of […]

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Efforts to create taxpayer-funded “conservative school” in Brighton continue

Efforts to create taxpayer-funded “conservative school” in Brighton continue

Over the past two months I have been writing about the efforts of a group of people led by tea party zealot Pasquale Battaglia, to set up a “classical academy” in Brighton, Michigan in an elementary school building purchased from the Brighton Area Schools (BAS). The group is called the American Classical Academy Coalition and they received a $100,000 grant […]

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