Author: Brainwrap

MI GOP candidates flat-out lie about the ACA

MI GOP candidates flat-out lie about the ACA

Yes, I realize that’s about the least-shocking headline of the day, but it’s still appalling just how casually Republican candidates in Michigan are spreading misinformation about the Affordable Care Act. First up is everyone’s favorite foreclosure attorney and MI-11 Congressional candidate David Trott (best known for kicking old ladies out of their homes), who gave a newspaper interview recently which was jaw-droppingly […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: Private 2.4M, Medicaid/CHIP 4.5M, 10M Total

Full details available at The biggest news since last Friday was Monday’s release of the official HHS Dept. December enrollment numbers. I had the Private QHP Enrollment total as 2.137 million as of 12/31. HHS has the official tally as 2.153M as of 12/28. I love being 99% accurate! :) In any event, the second biggest news as far as enrollments are concerned […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 2.2M Private, 9.78M Total

Every Friday I’m posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at After the massive spike in enrollments seen in mid- to late December, regular site visitors might be a bit disappointed at the relative dearth of increases since New Year’s. There have actually been quite a […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 2.1M Private, 9.5M Total

Obamacare Friday Update: 2.1M Private, 9.5M Total

Every Friday I’m posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at I won’t rehash how crazy things have been for me lately. Anyone who’s been following me knows that in the past 10 days I’ve been linked to, cited or featured in stories ranging from Forbes to […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 1.83M Private, 5.85M Total, 15M(inutes) of Fame

Obamacare Friday Update: 1.83M Private, 5.85M Total, 15M(inutes) of Fame

Every Friday I’m posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at OK, after the insanity of the past few days in terms of both the ever-shifting January enrollment deadline (changing from 12/15 to 12/23 and then 12/24 Federally; ranging from 12/23 to 12/24 to 12/27 […]

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Obamacare Signups Friday: 970K (or 1.3M) private enrollments; 3.3M Total

Obamacare Signups Friday: 970K (or 1.3M) private enrollments; 3.3M Total

Every Friday I posting the latest enrollment figures for the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at This has been the craziest week yet for, and the past day or so, things went into overdrive. First, we had this: If November had an Obamacare surge, consider this the December deluge. California […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 680K Private, 2.5M Total & Rising FAST

Obamacare Friday Update: 680K Private, 2.5M Total & Rising FAST

A couple of weeks ago I posted a detailed analysis of how Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) enrollments are going so far. Starting today, every Friday I’ll be posting updated numbers here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at In a comment from a Mother Jones article about Obamacare enrollments, I received the highest praise I could ever hope for: […]

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Obamacare Friday Update: 430K Private Enrollments; 1.6 Million Medicaid/SCHIP

Obamacare Friday Update: 430K Private Enrollments; 1.6 Million Medicaid/SCHIP

A couple of weeks ago I posted a detailed analysis of how Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) enrollments are going so far. Starting today, every Friday I’ll be posting updated numbers here at Eclectablog. Full details can be viewed daily at HOUSTON, WE HAVE LIFT-OFF!! Roughly 27,000 Americans signed up for insurance on the federal exchange on Tuesday, according […]

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ACA Private Enrollments Pass 228,000; over 950,000 with Medicaid/SCHIP

ACA Private Enrollments Pass 228,000; over 950,000 with Medicaid/SCHIP

Since the day that the ACA (aka Obamacare) health insurance exchanges launched on October 1st, I’ve been tracking the number of applications, enrollments and Medicaid/SCHIP expansion signups at Obviously the first few weeks were, shall we say, rocky. In addition to the now infamous website problems, reporting on the numbers was all over the map as well, with many “serious” […]

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Photo/Video Essay: Save Michigan’s Public Schools Rally!

Photo/Video Essay: Save Michigan’s Public Schools Rally!

Eclectablog himself wasn’t able to attend the grassroots-organized rally in support of the public school system in Lansing this morning; fortunately I was able to attend, with a contingent of my fellow Bloomfield Hills-based public school advocates. Yes, that’s right: Even in Bloomfield Hills, where most of the residents seem to think that the deliberate, systematic destruction of the Michigan […]

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Tsarnaev “9/11 Citizen” Anti-Immigrant Angle Debunked

Tsarnaev “9/11 Citizen” Anti-Immigrant Angle Debunked

Yup, regular as clockwork, there are already FB memes going around about Boston Marathon massacre bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev becoming a U.S. citizen on 9/11 last year, as if this somehow “proves” a damned thing about immigration policy. Plus, of course, “Muslim” blah blah blah. Of course, the reality is that there are plenty of home-grown pieces of crap of […]

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