Bwahahahahaha — October 28, 2012 at 10:39 am

Sunday Morning fun political videos break


Heh, heh…

Taking a break from the political scene is probably not something I’m going to be able to do between now and election day. I spent about 11 hours training canvassers and keeping their data organized yesterday at our downtown Ann Arbor office. We had over 1,100 door knocks by the end of the beautiful fall day.

However, there’s no reason we can’t have a little fun so here are a couple political videos that gave me a chuckle this morning. The first actually came out in August from the cast of the Broadway production of Les Miserable. The production values are amazing and the message is both hysterical and dead serious. It’s called “One Term More” and you can learn more about it at their website. I’m not sure how I missed it the first time so I’m assuming that maybe others did, too.

The lyrics are HERE.

[Hat tip to Randy F. from our OFA office who shared this with me yesterday.]

This next video is from the Obama campaign and it tries (and fails) to name in thirty seconds all of the fee increases Mitt Romney enacted in Massachusetts so that he could say he never raised taxes.

Have a great day and, please, sign up for a GOTV shift or three with the Obama campaign or some other progressive/Democratic group.
