DNC photo-extravaganza!
I would love to have shared more images with you last week, but there just wasn’t enough time for uploading and editing images unless I wanted to lose more sleep, and that wasn’t an option. However, for those of you who were there, the timing of this photo post is probably just right, giving you the weekend to catch up on sleep and email.
Several people have asked me what it was like to be at the DNC so my next post will be more photos from behind the scenes and I’ll talk a little about what it was like to be a photographer at the 2012 Democratic Convention. It was quite an experience!
The large images below are from the last night at the DNC and below them are two slide shows, one from the first two nights and one from the last night. Enjoy!
Vice President Joe Biden and family

Mary J. Blige
Dave Grohl of the Foo Fighters
Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, hero
Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm
Eva Longoria
Massachusetts Senator John Kerry
Vice President Joe Biden
Vice President Joe Biden and Second Lady Dr. Jill Biden
President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama
President Barack Obama
Confetti canons took the place of the traditional balloon drop due to the last-minute change in venue
The Obama family including Sasha and Malia
A recap of the convention on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Click on any image to view large. Use arrow keys to advance slideshow.
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Photos from Thursday.
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