Barack Obama, President Obama — November 15, 2011 at 1:35 pm

Cutting government waste: Obama administration is doin’ it right


Politicians always talk about “trimming waste” in government. The Obama administration shows ’em how it’s done. Almost $18 billion-with-a-“B” in savings this year alone (and 2011 ain’t over yet.) Over $20 billion since 2010.

And more to come, thanks to a new Executive Order, part of the President’s ongoing “We Can’t Wait” initiative where he’s taking action Congress just can’t seem to get around to.

We Can’t Wait: Agencies Cut Nearly $18 Billion in Improper Payments, Announce New Steps for Stopping Government Waste

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today announced that the Administration cut wasteful improper payments by $17.6 billion dollars in 2011 as part of the Obama Administration’s Campaign to Cut Waste, fueled by decreases in payment errors in Medicare, Medicaid, Pell Grants, and Food Stamps. Combined with the improper payment cuts in 2010, agencies have avoided making over $20 billion in improper payments in the two years since President Obama issued an Executive Order initiating an aggressive campaign against wasteful payment errors.

“When the President and I launched the Campaign to Cut Waste we knew success would be measured by results, not rhetoric,” said Vice President Biden. “The sharp reduction in payment errors announced today demonstrates this Administration is serious about cutting waste,” he added.

“Because of the sustained commitment from the President, the Vice President, and leaders across the Administration – and the effective use of technology – we are seeing real progress cracking down on this waste of taxpayer dollars that has persisted for far too long,” said OMB Director Jack Lew. “Through aggressive and innovative solutions being deployed by Federal agencies, we are on track to meet the President’s bold directive to prevent $50 billion in payment errors by the end of 2012. This is a good step, but not the end. We will continue to work day and night to prevent taxpayer dollars from being wasted in payments to the wrong people or in the wrong amount.”
