Emergency Manager Law, Emergency Managers — August 17, 2011 at 8:32 am

Repeal of Emergency Manager Law (PA 4) in Michigan in VERY good shape


Just ten short summer weeks after its start, Michigan Forward is reporting some good news. According to the Detroit Free Press, Michigan Forward is already half-way to having the required signatures to put the repeal of PA 4, the Emergency Financial Manager Law, on the ballot in Michigan.

Organizers of a drive to repeal Michigan’s emergency manager law said Tuesday they have nearly half of their 250,000-signature goal.

They need 161,304 valid signatures to put the issue before voters. Organizers say they have 120,000 signatures, but want to get a cushion to account for invalid ones.

It appears that their goal of getting enough signatures by Labor Day, well in advance of the deadline, is quite achievable. Once the state has certified that enough valid signatures have been collected, the law goes on hold until the residents of Michigan can cast their vote.

By the way, don’t you just love the way the Detroit Free Press puts the worst possible spin on this in their headline? “Drive to repeal emergency manager law still needs 130,000 signatures on petitions, organizers say”. No bias there, uh uh, no way, no sir…

For more information on Michigan Forward, how you can get involved and a fact sheet on PA 4, click the links in the banner on the top of the blog.
