GOPocrisy, Republican-Fail — March 28, 2011 at 10:00 am

Congressman Tim Walberg blacklisting constituents from his email list?


Just after Tim Walberg took office this year, I went to his official Congressional website and signed up to receive his constituent emails. I waited and waited and no emails came. Then, one day recently, a friend of mine forwarded his latest email to me with some comments.

I checked my email folder. No Walberg email.

I checked my spam folder. No Walberg email.

So, I went back to his site and signed up again, thinking that perhaps something had gone wrong and I hadn’t actually signed up after all. Several minutes later I got an email back saying that I was already signed up and didn’t need to sign up again.

“Well,” I thought to myself. “That’s odd. Because I know that he’s sent emails out that I haven’t received.” So, I signed up again using a different email address, one that doesn’t include my name.

Sure enough, two days later, I got a legislative update from my Congressman.

It appears that several years of negative blogging about Congressman Walberg and his policies has gotten me blacklisted from his email list.

Imagine that. How professional. Not.

UPDATE: This is rich. Walberg’s staff sent me this tweet:

Sign up for our e-newsletter at Our official e-newsletter policy: Everyone is welcome to sign up @Eclectablog

Must have all been a big misunderstanding, eh?

I’m just sayin’…
