Last month, our good friend
poblano Nate Silver gave Rodney Glassman only a 1.5% chance of beating Grandpa Senator McCain. But that was before the latest Rasmussen poll came out.
A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state finds McCain earning 51% of the vote to Democrat Rodney Glassman’s 37%, his best showing to date. Seven percent (7%) prefer some other candidate, while six percent (6%) are undecided.
That 14% gap along with Nate’s gloomy prediction may seem daunting. But, before you get too far down that path, follow me over the jump for some reasons for hopefulness.
First, let’s just get this out of the way: this is Rasmussen polling we’re talking about. I don’t know what percent you take away from the GOPosaur and give to the Democrat in a Rassy poll but that’s got to get us close to single digits, does it not?
Second, have a look at this from
Hmmm…inneresting trend lines you have there, Grandpa. I mean, heck, that’s an 8-point jump in just two weeks since the primary…hmmm…In fact, if we extrapolate those out a few weeks…hmmm…
I realize that it’s a leap for me to draw those dotted lines. But, the fact is, Glassman is surging more than anybody predicted. And Nate’s prognostication took place BEFORE this latest poll!
Does he have a chance? I don’t know. But I met Rodney Glassman at Netroots Nation and I think he’d make a fine Senator. At least with him, you’d know where he stood on any particular issue on any particular day. With Grandpa McCain? Ehhhh…not so much.
A bit about Rodney from his website:
Rodney was elected citywide with over 60 percent of the vote to the Tucson City Council and represents the most conservative part of Tucson. His endorsements, which ranged from the Tucson Chamber of Commerce and Tucson Association of Realtors to the Sierra Club and the Pima Area Labor Federation, are representative of the way Rodney uses coalition building to get things done.Rodney currently serves as a Judge Advocate General (JAG) officer in the U.S. Air Force Reserves at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. He represents the U.S. government in military legal matters, and he serves as legal representation for active duty members, retired members, and veterans from all branches of the military in civil law and military justice.
As part of the Congressional staff of Rep. Raúl Grijalva, Rodney built coalitions vital to resolving issues that faced small businesses and farmers across Arizona. He developed Congressman Grijalva monthly business roundtables, which connected hundreds of business people in the community to their Congressional representative, giving the local business community a seat at the federal policy table.
Give Rodney some love at his Act Blue page. His larders there are woefully and scandalously empty and he could use the help.
The Rodney Glassman for Senate website is HERE.
By the way, if you haven’t seen his “Daily McCain Flip Flop”, it’s worth a visit. Good campaign tactic, if you ask me, with lots of fodder given his wild shifts during the primary.
Let’s make John McCain’s day … suck.
I’m just sayin’…