What happens if Michigan’s independent Crittenton Hospital joins a Catholic health system?

What happens if Michigan’s independent Crittenton Hospital joins a Catholic health system?

If past experience is any indication, some healthcare services will no longer be available. This is the second in a multi-part series on the rise of Catholic health systems and the impact on patient care. You can read the first post in the series HERE. Refusal to treat patients on religious grounds in Michigan has made national news recently, with […]

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How the expanding reach of Catholic health systems is restricting access to care

How the expanding reach of Catholic health systems is restricting access to care

Religious doctrine can trump medical standards and interfere with patients’ rights to make their own decisions. If you want to be sure you and the people you love have access to the complete spectrum of healthcare services, you’d better know who owns your hospital. It’s not always obvious, but it’s important. Because one in six hospital beds in the United […]

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