Tag: Richard Shelby

GOPocrisy in plain view

Maybe the Republicans think we’ll just get numb and desensitized to their rampant GOPocrisy and start pretending it doesn’t exist. Check this out. They aren’t the least bit subtle about it. After spending two years preventing literally hundreds of President Obama’s nominations to key administration and judicial posts from being filled, we get this: Republicans, after two years of criticism […]

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It wasn’t an auto company “bailout” and, btw, it WORKED!

Remember back in the “good old days of 2009 when the Obama administration stepped in to keep two of the largest American auto companies from going under? Remember how, even though it was only a loan program and a temporary stock purchase that it was characterized as a “taxpayer-funded bailout”? Well check out these headlines: Chrysler Tops Operating Profit Outlook, […]

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