Tag: Jan Brewer

If Jan Brewer can fight for Medicaid expansion, so can Rick Snyder

If Jan Brewer can fight for Medicaid expansion, so can Rick Snyder

It’s time for Governor Snyder to prove the “tough” part of his self-proclaimed “one tough nerd” persona. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has famously done her share of finger-pointing at President Obama and his policies. But despite her vocal opposition to nearly everything the President stands for, Gov. Brewer has fully embraced Medicaid expansion. It’s the right thing to do for […]

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Arizona sues Big Government for not being Big Government

Ah, this is rich. Jan Brewer, the Arizona governor who cried bloody murder when the federal government intruded on her state’s right to pass the “Papers, Please” law, is suing the federal government for failing to protect Arizonians from an “invasion” of undocumented immigrants. In other words, she wants the federal government to stay out of her state’s business except […]

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