Tag: income inequality

Proportional fines: A way for the wealthy to give back to the society that has given them so much

Proportional fines: A way for the wealthy to give back to the society that has given them so much

A couple of weeks ago New York Times writer Neil Irwin wrote a piece in the Business Section about why a nation with our wealth is reluctant to ask for more from its richest citizens. Some of the reasons given included: low taxes encourage greater investment and entrepreneurship; the rich have grown accustomed to their income and have built their […]

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Tim Walberg: No support for hard-hit or low-wage workers but says govt. should be “feared”, is “an aristocracy”

Tim Walberg: No support for hard-hit or low-wage workers but says govt. should be “feared”, is “an aristocracy”

The only thing we have to fear is … heartless Republicans The U.S. Senate has passed legislation that would extend unemployment benefits for 1.3 million Americans who saw it run out due to Congressional inaction in December of 2013. The bill extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation program which provides additional weeks of benefits after state-based unemployment benefits come to an […]

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