Tag: bullies

Evidence has already surfaced that Gov. Snyder’s version of the #FlintWaterCrisis is inaccurate and suspect

Evidence has already surfaced that Gov. Snyder’s version of the #FlintWaterCrisis is inaccurate and suspect

Just one day after Gov. Snyder released what he says are all of his emails from 2014 and 2015 regarding his administration’s poisoning of Flint’s drinking water along with the state government’s official timeline, evidence has already surfaced that it, at best, incomplete. Progress Michigan has discovered that his Chief of Staff met with Flint officials regarding lead contamination in […]

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Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Romney campaign tries to bully the Boston Globe, Globe tells them to pound sand

Well, that didn’t go as planned…

The Romney campaign, smarting from a devastating piece by the Boston Globe this week, decided to pushback and sent them a letter demanding a retraction.

The Globe told them to stuff it.

The emails from the Romney campaign and the Globe after the jump.

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Liberal rule #1: Thou shall not cross Jane Hamsher

Cross-posted at Angry Black Lady Chronicles. My ranty screed thing the other day about Jane Hamsher (“Why I will never post another word at My.Firedoglake.com”) brought out a series of quite interesting responses. The version at Daily Kos drew almost 1,000 comments and earned me five donuts in the Tip Jar. Apparently it’s okay to call the hundreds of thousands […]

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