Tag: Audio

AUDIO: My “appearance” on the Majority Report with Sam Seder today talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

AUDIO: My “appearance” on the Majority Report with Sam Seder today talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water

This afternoon I was on Sam Seder’s Majority Report radio show talking about the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water.

Here is the audio (my bit starts at the 10-minute mark):

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My Obamacare success story hits the national airwaves

My Obamacare success story hits the national airwaves

Who says the media doesn’t report good news? How refreshing to hear a positive story about Obamacare in the national media! The fact that it was my story is just a cool bonus. On Tuesday’s edition of “The Stephanie Miller Show,” Miller read snippets of the story I shared Monday about my great experience enrolling for insurance through the Affordable […]

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