Search Results for "Medicaid Expansion" : 302

GOP is serious about killing ObamaCare because 10 million more voters with public health care will change everything

GOP is serious about killing ObamaCare because 10 million more voters with public health care will change everything

Prepare for a messy 2013 I have to admit that I was wrong in two very serious ways. I thought Paul Ryan’s disgrace as a VP candidate — booed by seniors and hidden for the last weeks for the campaign — would  temper the House Republicans a bit. That almost seemed to happen at the beginning for 2013 with the […]

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Blatant lying by Ryan/Romney continues – hits Obama for Medicare cuts in their own budget

Blatant lying by Ryan/Romney continues – hits Obama for Medicare cuts in their own budget

These guys are out of control

As is becoming increasingly clear to anyone paying attention to the 2012 presidential election, the Ryan/Romney campaign has given up all hope of winning on the issues and on their record and have resorted to unprecedented lyingliterally making things up about President Obama and then putting it out as truth in stump speeches, online videos, television ads, appearances by surrogates on news programs and in fundraising emails.

There is a new one this week and it takes the LYING and HYPOCRISY to a new and rather incredible level.

The Ryan/Romney campaign is claiming that President Obama stripped $716 billion out of Medicare benefits “to pay for Obamacare”.

This is a lie.

Also, those same cuts, which I’ll describe in a moment, are in the Ryan budget plan that Mitt Romney has endorsed.

Details and more after the jump.

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Michigan Tea Partiers working to stop health insurance exchange

Michigan Tea Partiers working to stop health insurance exchange

Sorry, face. This nose has GOT to go…

Tea party types in Michigan, facing the stinging blow of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the constitution, are now working on a self-defeating effort to make sure that Michigan doesn’t create a health insurance exchange for Michiganders to shop for affordable health insurance. This comical effort apparently disregards the fact that, if they are successful, the federal government will create one FOR us, limiting our state legislators’ ability to have any say or control in the matter.

This is from an email I received yesterday from the Tea Party of West Michigan (all typos and grammatical errors are theirs, not mine – like the grammatically incorrect tagline at the top of every page on their website: “Influence policy, effect elections, protect the Constitution”)…

[Email and more after the jump.]

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Affordable Care Act v. Roberts Court

Affordable Care Act v. Roberts Court

Supreme Court to decide if being smart about health care is constitutional. The fact is: We’re already mandated to pay for our fellow Americans’ health care. The question is: Will we be mandated to pay for our own? This week the Affordable Care Act faces its first big challenge of the year. The Supreme Court will hear arguments about the […]

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U.S. Senator Gary Peters leads the charge to protect Michiganders and Americans during COVID-19 pandemic

U.S. Senator Gary Peters leads the charge to protect Michiganders and Americans during COVID-19 pandemic

He’s working every day to provide essential resources, relief and information — including two upcoming telephone town halls. Here in Michigan, we’re fortunate to have two Senators — Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow — who always put the best interests of their constituents first. They’re both doing great work during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, but Sen. Peters in particular is […]

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Trump’s ACA sabotage may have already have a cost of more than 4,000 American lives

Trump’s ACA sabotage may have already have a cost of more than 4,000 American lives

We’re paying more and now 3.5 million more Americans are uninsured Andy Slavitt loves seeing Americans gain health insurance, and since 2014, he’s had a lot of reasons to be happy.. Slavitt stepped in to save in the midst of a crisis of technology and crisis that threatened the Affordable Care Act. By the end of the enrollment period, […]

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Why Are the Media Ignoring Stories about the Millions Impacted by Trumpcare?

Why Are the Media Ignoring Stories about the Millions Impacted by Trumpcare?

If you haven’t heard Jordan Acker’s story, it won’t take long. In just 16 tweets last weekend, the Huntington Woods dad and attorney revealed how a bad drug reaction shut down his liver. Thankfully, he recovered, but it left him a pre-existing condition. And under Trumpcare, he and millions of others with pre-existing conditions will be paying more for health […]

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Congressman Dan Kildee on what’s at stake if the ACA is repealed and what Democrats can do to stop it

Congressman Dan Kildee on what’s at stake if the ACA is repealed and what Democrats can do to stop it

An exclusive interview with one of the most outspoken champions for the American people in the U.S. House of Representatives. Michigan Congressman Dan Kildee gets it. He’s been fighting for the American people, particularly working families, his entire career. And when it comes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, he understands the human consequences better than most people: […]

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#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State government agency steps in to stop lead water line replacement (and MORE!)

#FlintWaterCrisis news round-up: State government agency steps in to stop lead water line replacement (and MORE!)

State steps in to halt lead water line removal in Flint Today marks the 155th day since Gov. Rick Snyder publicly conceded that the drinking water in Flint, Michigan was poisoned with the powerful, odorless, tasteless, invisible neurotoxin lead. Since that day, exactly ZERO lead water service lines have been removed by the state. Yesterday, Flint took matters into their […]

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Why it’s important to remember what really made America great

Why it’s important to remember what really made America great

History is written by the whiners Is there any hope for the Stimulus? More than seven years after the Recovery Act became law it’s clear to economists that the law improved and possibly saved the economy. But — despite the Herculean or Sisyphean efforts of Mike Grunwald — most people still have no idea what it did. There’s no Hoover […]

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GUEST POST: We broke Michigan – the insidious and harmful impact of term limits on democracy

GUEST POST: We broke Michigan – the insidious and harmful impact of term limits on democracy

Today’s guest post is by Laura Packard, a partner at PowerThru Consulting, a growing national progressive digital consulting shop. Enjoy. With both the GOP and Democratic presidential candidates coming to Michigan this week for their respective debates, I hope some of the larger issues that Michigan (and the country) faces will finally be addressed. Michigan state government has been broken […]

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