Category: Republican-Fail

It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

It’s time to tear the GOP apart — and possibly take the House

Why Democrats must force Trump to take a stand on Ryan’s plan to end Medicare and raise the retirement age In retrospect, Mitt Romney did a couple of very smart things in 2012. He junked a dopey video Donald Trump made for the GOP convention and he hid Paul Ryan during the last weeks of the election. Donald Trump in […]

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North Carolina works to make odious transphobic law into a “Papers, please” law for transgender people

North Carolina works to make odious transphobic law into a “Papers, please” law for transgender people

In late March, the North Carolina legislature convened a one-day special session where they steamrolled through legislation making it illegal to use a public restroom not corresponding to your gender at birth. It was quickly signed into law later that night and the state has faced an unprecedented firestorm ever since. The NBA is talking about moving the 2017 All-Star […]

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No, Governor Snyder, THIS is what “an historic night” looks like

No, Governor Snyder, THIS is what “an historic night” looks like

This afternoon, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder, with no apparent sense of irony or sarcasm, sent out an email titled “An historic night for Michigan”. He was referring to the previous evening when Republicans passed “bailout” legislation for Detroit Public Schools that has inadequate funding for DPS, harms children by putting unqualified, uncertified teachers in their classrooms (illegal in every other […]

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GUEST POST: House ‘bathroom inspection’ bill targets local LGBT ordinances, exposes Republicans’ hypocrisy

GUEST POST: House ‘bathroom inspection’ bill targets local LGBT ordinances, exposes Republicans’ hypocrisy

The following guest post was written by my friend Jen Eyer, Vice President of Vanguard Public Affairs. Jen has spent many years in the world of journalism and most recently managed the newsroom for The Ann Arbor News, part of the MLive Media Group. You can read her full bio HERE. This piece was first published at the Vanguard Public […]

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As Gov. Snyder touts Michigan’s economy, local municipalities and families circle the drain

As Gov. Snyder touts Michigan’s economy, local municipalities and families circle the drain

In an interview with the Associated Press last week, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder pointed to Michigan’s economy as heading in the right direction. Gov. Rick Snyder on Wednesday said people should be mindful of Michigan’s continued economic resurgence even as the state grapples with lead in Flint’s drinking water and enormous debt in Detroit’s public school district. The Republican governor, […]

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GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

GOP funder Ron Weiser: The perfect choice for Trump Victory Fund leadership given his racist comments about Detroit

Earlier this month, Donald Trump reached an agreement with the Republican National Committee to form a joint fundraising committee called “Trump Victory”. The fund will allow donors to funnel as much as $450,000 each into Republican coffers. The agreement is between Trump, the RNC, and the state Republican Parties in Arkansas, Connecticut, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, […]

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Obama administration takes another step toward slowing climate change – tougher regulations for methane emissions

Obama administration takes another step toward slowing climate change – tougher regulations for methane emissions

As LOLGOP has been telling us for years (like HERE), President Obama has created a green energy revolution that is unparalleled in American history. Not only that, his administration has done more to curtail the emissions of greenhouse gases than anyone before him. Earlier this month, his administration took a huge step forward in limiting greenhouse gas emissions when they […]

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Michigan corporate tax cut chickens finally come home to roost in GOP’s budget crater

Michigan corporate tax cut chickens finally come home to roost in GOP’s budget crater

Cluck, cluck… When Michigan Republicans took control of our legislature in 2010, they, along with our new Republican CEO Governor Rick Snyder, proceeded to enact a sweeping tax cut for corporations. It was all to bring new employers into the state which, in time, would lead to a more robust economy and a rising tide that would lift all boats. […]

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GOP Congressman Mike Bishop lies about promising vote on bridge to Canada, wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education

GOP Congressman Mike Bishop lies about promising vote on bridge to Canada, wants to eliminate the Dept. of Education

It’s well-known that MI-08 Republican Congressman Mike Bishop is a bought-and-paid-for lapdog of the Moroun family. The patriarch of that family, Manuel “Matty” Moroun, is the billionaire owner of the Ambassador Bridge that spans the Detroit River between Detroit and Windsor. Although there is a desperate need for an additional bridge to facilitate truck traffic that now backs up for […]

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INTERVIEW: David Alexander Bullock talks about the effort to recall Gov. Snyder and how people can get involved

INTERVIEW: David Alexander Bullock talks about the effort to recall Gov. Snyder and how people can get involved

On March 27th, David Alexander Bullock took on a project nobody has yet dared to do: To see if he can collect nearly 790,000 valid petition signatures in just 60 days to put the recall of Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on the ballot. Prior to 2012, signatures had to be gathered in 90 days but Republicans were tired of people […]

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YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

YOUR LAUGH OF THE DAY: Michigan GOP demands Dems pay salary of criminal senator Republicans refused to throw out

Last summer, I asked a very simple question: “Why is Virgil Smith still in the state Senate? Is it because he’s the Republicans’ useful Democratic idiot?” Democratic state Senator Virgil Smith was convicted of shooting up his wife’s car in a domestic dispute and is now behind bars. Until he resigned this past week, he continued to receive his state […]

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