Category: Framing

Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Why liberals can’t stop spreading conservative messages and retweeting Donald Trump

Or, how liberals helped make America more racist by negating Trump Now that RyanCare or TrumpCare or LoserCare is out, the obvious has been revealed: Trump voters — the 90 percent of them who aren’t rich — should know that they’re about to get screwed, royally. If you’re a liberal like me, your urge is to say, “Trump promised you […]

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Conservatives’ secret advantages — shamelessness and hero worship

Conservatives’ secret advantages — shamelessness and hero worship

Praising ‘Daddy’ just comes more naturally to the right The Huffington Post’s Sam Stein has a post up about Trump’s rushing to Indiana to take credit for Carrier only sending most of the jobs in its Indianapolis plant to Mexico. The headline reads: President Obama’s approval rating is still 10 percent higher than Trump’s but Stein does make a point. […]

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