GOPocrisy, Michigan Republicans — September 30, 2011 at 9:24 am

Get a job, poor person! Sorry there aren’t enough for everyone.


As I have written about before, tomorrow, October 1st, over 41,000 Michiganders will be thrown off the welfare rolls in Michigan. Nearly 30,000 children are affected by this. Over half of these families live in Detroit where, as reported by the Detroit News, 21,000 families will now be without benefits.

In Part 1 of a 2 part MLive series, there simply aren’t enough jobs available for these people who will no longer have any source of income.

Andrew Stone, employment and training manager at Michigan Works in Muskegon and Oceana counties, said the job search agency will hold nine weeks of workshops in October and November about the basics of finding and keeping a job.

“Are there enough jobs out there to absorb those people now? I can just bluntly tell you no,” Stone said.

This is the new reality of a Republican-dominated Michigan: throw people off the welfare rolls and “encourage” them to get new jobs even though those jobs don’t, in fact, exist. It’s a fantasy land that these cold, heartless, in-denial Republican legislators live in.


H/T Muskegon Critic
