Search Results for "Catholic hospitals" : 21

New report shows continued growth of Catholic health systems that refuse to provide essential care

New report shows continued growth of Catholic health systems that refuse to provide essential care

One in six hospital beds are governed by rules set by Catholic bishops, not doctors, putting lives and health at risk. If Catholic health systems continue expanding their reach at the current rate, an alarming number of Americans won’t have access to the full spectrum of healthcare services considered standard of care at non-Catholic hospitals. In some cases, that lack […]

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Catholic hospital system says it can deny women emergency care on religious grounds

Catholic hospital system says it can deny women emergency care on religious grounds

Response to ACLU lawsuit demonstrates, once again, that Catholic hospitals put ideology above patient safety. When you show up at an emergency room in need of urgent medical care, you have a reasonable expectation that you’ll be given the treatment you need — that the staff will do everything they can to save your life and protect your health. In […]

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ACLU of Michigan files formal complaint over Catholic hospital’s denial of care

ACLU of Michigan files formal complaint over Catholic hospital’s denial of care

Complaint filed with state licensing agency demands investigation and discipline for failure to provide potentially life-saving procedure. After repeated refusals by Catholic-owned Genesys Hospital to adhere to medical standards and perform a potentially life-saving procedure on a pregnant woman, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan has filed a formal complaint with a state licensing agency. The complaint, filed with […]

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ACLU files lawsuit against Catholic health system for failing to provide emergency care to pregnant women

ACLU files lawsuit against Catholic health system for failing to provide emergency care to pregnant women

Catholic hospital systems don’t adhere to accepted medical standards, and the ACLU is demanding an end to this religious exemption with a federal lawsuit. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the ACLU of Michigan announced a federal lawsuit filed today on behalf of their members against Trinity Health Corporation, one of the largest Catholic health systems in the country, […]

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Catholic hospital refuses to provide potentially life-saving procedure for pregnant woman

Catholic hospital refuses to provide potentially life-saving procedure for pregnant woman

Michigan woman with a brain tumor is denied care that would be standard at any non-Catholic hospital. A Catholic hospital in Michigan is denying a pregnant woman care on the basis of religious principles, ignoring the life-threatening implications of their refusal to adhere to medical standards. Jessica Mann, a pregnant woman with a life-threatening brain tumor, requested an exception to […]

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Catholic hospital refuses to provide care, despite risk to young mother’s life

Catholic hospital refuses to provide care, despite risk to young mother’s life

This isn’t the first time Michigan’s Genesys Regional Medical Center has let religious doctrine override medical standards. Jessica Mann couldn’t be happier about the impending arrival of her third child in October. But having any more children could put her health at risk — in fact, carrying this child to term is downright dangerous, because the 33-year-old Mann has brain […]

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Crittenton Hospital becomes part of Catholic-affiliated Ascension Health

Crittenton Hospital becomes part of Catholic-affiliated Ascension Health

The deal is done, but no word yet on the fate of reproductive health and other care standards Catholic-run hospitals are allowed to ignore. As reported in Crain’s Detroit Business on Monday, Crittenton Hospital in Rochester is now officially part of Ascension Health Michigan. Ascension Health is the largest nonprofit health system in the U.S. — and a Catholic-affiliated health […]

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ACLU of Michigan to host educational event on patients’ rights at religiously affiliated hospitals

ACLU of Michigan to host educational event on patients’ rights at religiously affiliated hospitals

June 24 event in Auburn Hills is open to the public — RSVP today to learn how to protect your rights. The ACLU of Michigan is hosting an educational event to help the community understand their rights at religiously sponsored hospitals. The June 24th event in Auburn Hills focuses on patients’ rights in hospitals operated by Catholic healthcare providers. As […]

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What happens if Michigan’s independent Crittenton Hospital joins a Catholic health system?

What happens if Michigan’s independent Crittenton Hospital joins a Catholic health system?

If past experience is any indication, some healthcare services will no longer be available. This is the second in a multi-part series on the rise of Catholic health systems and the impact on patient care. You can read the first post in the series HERE. Refusal to treat patients on religious grounds in Michigan has made national news recently, with […]

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How the expanding reach of Catholic health systems is restricting access to care

How the expanding reach of Catholic health systems is restricting access to care

Religious doctrine can trump medical standards and interfere with patients’ rights to make their own decisions. If you want to be sure you and the people you love have access to the complete spectrum of healthcare services, you’d better know who owns your hospital. It’s not always obvious, but it’s important. Because one in six hospital beds in the United […]

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If your hospital prioritizes religious doctrine over medical standards, your health could be at risk

If your hospital prioritizes religious doctrine over medical standards, your health could be at risk

Catholic health systems aren’t always held to the same medical standards as secular hospitals. This is the third post in an ongoing series. You can read the other installments HERE. When you go to a hospital, you have a reasonable expectation that you’ll receive the care you need — whoever you are, whatever your circumstances. After all, there’s a reason […]

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