Tag: Rachel Maddow

The cost of independent journalism vs. the costs of living WITHOUT independent journalism

The cost of independent journalism vs. the costs of living WITHOUT independent journalism

Would you pay 20¢ a day to make sure independent journalism survives? Then you should. I don’t generally refer to myself as a journalist. That said, there have been times when we have engaged in some dead serious journalism here at Eclectablog. During a time when commentators around the country were justifying and excusing the anti-democratic power grab known as […]

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PHOTOS: Rachel Maddow brings a message of hope to Flint, says the #FlintWaterCrisis is now a national problem to solve

PHOTOS: Rachel Maddow brings a message of hope to Flint, says the #FlintWaterCrisis is now a national problem to solve

Last night Anne and I were privileged to watch the taping of Rachel Maddow’s Flint Town Hall. It was an astonishing experience for a variety reasons and I think it has the potential to be a game changer in terms of how the poisoning of Flint’s drinking water by the Snyder administration is perceived by people outside of Flint and […]

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UPDATED: Maddow continues to press Flint water poisoning story, U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating

UPDATED: Maddow continues to press Flint water poisoning story, U.S. Attorney’s Office investigating

Last night, Rachel Maddow covered the Flint water lead poisoning story for a third time in the past month. In the segment, she lauded the Michigan press – including the ACLU’s crack investigative journalist Curt Guyette who wasn’t named explicitly – for their vigilance and doggedness in pursuing this story, something I agree with completely. For this report, Maddow brought […]

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VIDEO: Michigan is the laughing stock of The Rachel Maddow Show (again) thanks to Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat

VIDEO: Michigan is the laughing stock of The Rachel Maddow Show (again) thanks to Todd Courser & Cindy Gamrat

Wouldn’t it be nice if Michigan got mentioned on The Rachel Maddow Show just once for some cool thing that’s happening here? Sadly, once again it’s because of the complete Fail Whale that is the Michigan Republican Party and the clowns who inhabit it. Yup, Rachel Maddow finally picked up the Courser/Gamrate debacle. Ugh:

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VIDEOS: Michigan Republican “super secret spy glasses” FAIL now a national news story

VIDEOS: Michigan Republican “super secret spy glasses” FAIL now a national news story

How can we lose to these idiots? After the Michigan Republican Party was busted earlier this month for using “super secret spy glasses” to surreptitiously videotape Democratic candidates, the story has gotten legs. Yesterday, Steve Benen at The Maddow Blog posted additional exclusive video taken from the memory card found at a Democratic event at a union hall after Republican […]

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Republican-led House Committee taps ex-fugitive John McAfee as an expert on Obamacare website

Republican-led House Committee taps ex-fugitive John McAfee as an expert on Obamacare website

The GOP’s ongoing efforts to cripple Obamacare get more bizarre every day. And they’re not working. First, there was the refusal by most Republican-led states to create their own health insurance marketplaces, deciding instead to leave it to the federal government. It was a hypocritical stance given Republicans’ penchant for giving states more control but, hey, anything to get in […]

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Rachel Maddow reports on recent victory in effort to repeal Michigan’s Emergency Manager law

Rachel Maddow reports on recent victory in effort to repeal Michigan’s Emergency Manager law

This court decision “could restore small-d democracy across Michigan” Last night, Rachel Maddow reported on something that regular readers of this blog already know: a recent federal appeals court decision has major implications for the potential striking down of Michigan’s anti-democratic Emergency Manager law. While this news is, in my mind, HUGE, it barely got noticed anywhere including in Michigan […]

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UPDATED: Rachel Maddow shows how Emergency Managers in Michigan don’t exactly have the best track record

UPDATED: Rachel Maddow shows how Emergency Managers in Michigan don’t exactly have the best track record

“Alright, let’s cue the Michigan tape…”

The Rachel Maddow Show takes on Michigan’s Emergency Financial Manager situation again: “THE most radical Republican experiment in the 21st Century. Why this is not a bigger national story still blows my mind.”

Video after the jump.

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Rachel Maddow is “thankful” for Eclectablog. I’m thankful for her and, just as importantly, YOU.


The day after Rachel Maddow and her producer Laura Conaway made a video of themselves making and enjoying our new drink, the “Emergency Manager”, our blog got a mention on The Rachel Maddow Show itself. Last night, Rachel ran through a rather impressive of lists of things that she is thankful for, things we should ALL be thankful for. Eclectablog was one of them.

Video and more after the jump.

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Rachel Maddow and Laura Conaway have a “Cocktail Moment” with an “Emergency Manager”

Rachel Maddow and Laura Conaway have a “Cocktail Moment” with an “Emergency Manager”

Aw, shucks

You may recall that last week, Anne and I and a bunch of other folks did a little video toast and thank you to Laura Conaway and Rachel Maddow for their help in amplifying our message about Michigan’s Emergency Manager Law. In addition to the card signed by a bunch of Ann Arbor folks, we sent them the makings of an Emergency Manager, a new drink Anne and I invented.

Thankfully they got the package in one piece and, well, see for yourself (video after the jump.)

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Drink recipe: “The Emergency Manager” – a thank you to Laura Conaway and Rachel Maddow

Drink recipe: “The Emergency Manager” – a thank you to Laura Conaway and Rachel Maddow

We couldn’t have done it without you! Last weekend, my wife Anne and I threw a party to celebrate our victories on election day and to thank many of the volunteers that worked so hard in the Ann Arbor area to make those victories possible. One of the sweetest victories that we achieved was the repeal of Public Act 4 […]

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