Author: Brainwrap

Do YOU understand how tax brackets work???

Do YOU understand how tax brackets work???

Note: This is a repost of a Daily Kos diary I published about a year and a half ago. I was inspired to repost it by the current story about a business owner who’s afraid to earn more than $250,000 because she thinks she’ll lose money by doing so.

When I reposted it last night over at Daily Kos, it hit the Rec list and the poll received over 500 responses. According to those results, 23% of Daily Kos readers didn’t understand how tax brackets worked before reading the diary.

Think about that — this is a pretty highly-educated, policy-savvy, math-and-science-aware, reality-based community overall, and almost a quarter of them weren’t/aren’t aware of one of the most basic tenets of the tax code.

The Full Monty after the jump.

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GREAT Election News from Michigan!! (with videos)

GREAT Election News from Michigan!! (with videos)

Oh, what a difference 2 years makes In addition to Michigan delivering its 16 electoral votes to Pres. Obama by 54 to 45% and re-electing Debbie Stabenow to the Senate by a whopping 20 point margin, there’s a lot of additional great news for Democrats & progressives here in Mitt Romney’s (original) home state: Proposal 1 (Emergency Financial Manager Law) […]

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By Popular Demand: GOP Rape Advisory Chart (Vol. IV)

By Popular Demand: GOP Rape Advisory Chart (Vol. IV)

Recently I said I was finally done with these things, but with yet ANOTHER idiotic, offensive statement by a Republican about rape victims the other day, I’ve been turned into Al Pacino in Godfather III* I therefore present the Republican Rape Advisory Chart…Volume IV. I’ve also included links to the complete 4-volume set; feel free to use/repost as appropriate, but please […]

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The GOP Rape Advisory Chart: Volume III

The GOP Rape Advisory Chart: Volume III

Yes, that’s right. Just like Peter Jackson’s production of The Hobbit, I’ve found so much raw material to work with that I decided to break what was originally a single story into two, and now three sections. As I reported yesterday, in addition to being front-paged here at Eclectablog and at dKos, the first chart went utterly viral, hitting everything […]

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GOP Rape Advisory Chart: Vol. 2

GOP Rape Advisory Chart: Vol. 2

UPDATE: Volume III of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart can be found HERE Wow. Yesterday, in light of the latest misogynistic idiocy by the Republican moron of the moment, Richard Mourdock, I decided to whip up a compilation of some of the more revolting statements on the subject of rape (often tied in with reproductive rights, but not always). The […]

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The GOP Rape Advisory Chart

The GOP Rape Advisory Chart

UPDATE: Volume II of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart can be found HERE and Volume III is HERE. A week or so ago, someone posted her version of the GOP Rape Advisory Chart to help sort out all of the confusion about the wide variety of rape “flavors” that today’s Republican Party seems so hell-bent on bringing to light. I […]

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The MI-11 Clownshow Continues: Cassis refuses to endorse Bentivolio; McCotter’s staffers charged

The MI-11 Clownshow Continues: Cassis refuses to endorse Bentivolio; McCotter’s staffers charged

Thanks, Thad. Allow us to clean up this huge mess you left behind for you.

When last we left the Thad McCotter MI-11 Trainwreck, Republican Kerry “Reindeer Farmer/9-11 Truther” Bentivolio had $300,000 dumped into his pocket by a Ron Paul SuperPAC, while the Michigan GOP desperately tried to save face (and the House seat) by scrambling to run former state Senator Nancy Cassis as a write-in candidate.

Meanwhile, on the Democratic side, Dr. Syed Taj, Canton Township Trustee, former head of medicine at Oakwood hospital and all around good egg, could nary believe his good fortune by seeing his campaign–which was already solidly run and raising some decent money ($200K in the spring quarter)–suddenly go from a longshot against 5-term incumbent McCotter to reasonable odds (if still an underdog) in an unexpectedly open, and very confusing seat.

Well, there have been three major developments since then.

You’ll find them and more after the jump.

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