Recall Rick Snyder, Rick Snyder — March 20, 2012 at 1:12 pm

Michigan Rising to submit Snyder recall petition language this week


Let’s try that again, shall we?

Inspired by the success of Wisconsin Democrats (though lacking the support of the state-level Democratic Party), Michigan Rising is gearing up to take another shot at recalling Michigan Governor Rick Snyder:

During our last petition drive to recall Rick Snyder we collected nearly 500, 000 signatures. We did this with very little material support, even less money and at a time when political tensions in Michigan were arguably less strained than they are today. Nonetheless it meant that our signature count came up short and the effort had to be abandoned at the end of October last year. But we’re back. In fact, we never went anywhere.

We spent the last seven months regrouping, reorganizing and re-evaluating our position and we believe that our organization is smarter and stronger now than it was before.

The Next Step
This week we will be filing new language for a new petition to recall Rick Snyder. The Washtenaw County Election Commission is required to meet sometime between the 10th and 20th day after the filing to conduct a clarity hearing in order to determine whether the language is of sufficient clarity. After the hearing is held and the determination made, Gov. Snyder will have 10 days to appeal the decision. If he does not appeal we can commence petition printing.

Given the gap between the time printing will be completed and the expiration of the appeal time, and the amount of organization that still needs to be done after language is approved, we have decided to begin signature collection in May. Though that date is wholly dependent on the level of support we have – both financially and in terms of volunteers. We will have 90 days to collect roughly 807, 000 valid signatures. We believe it can be done.

What it will take
This is a massive undertaking. When we look at the successes in Wisconsin, Ohio and elsewhere it’s easy to see where we need the kind of improvement that would make a difference in the outcome. More important, we need improvement where it is feasible and reasonable to expect it.
In order to launch a successful drive to recall this governor we need people who are willing to get involved. Lack of volunteers was the most significant hurdle we faced in the last campaign and in order for this drive to be different, that needs to be different.

For Michigan to recall its Governor, you need to Sign up to Volunteer to Collect Signatures. You also need to do more that that. You need to spread the word, forward this email to your friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances. If they need a reason to recall Snyder, you can find The Top 10 reasons to Recall Snyder, Right Here in Printable Format so you can also spread that around as far and wide as possible.

If you signed up to volunteer during the previous campaign, you will need to Sign Up Again. We did not transfer your information from our old system to our new one and of course we’d love for you to join us again.

The End Game
We maintain, as we did one year ago this month, that the only way for Michigan and its citizens to win this fight is by recalling Snyder. No other measure will come close to defeating the now perpetual attacks on both working Michiganders and the weakest among us. The impact of this administration’s reign will be felt for generations across social, political, racial and economic spectrum in this state.
From tax increases on the working poor and retirees, to full-blown disenfranchisement of voters across Michigan, the onslaught brought on by this administration is overwhelming. The reaction needs to be even more so.
Ohio had 10,000 volunteers who collected 1.3 million signatures in repealing HB5. Wisconsin had over 20,000 and collected over 1 million signatures. In the last campaign Michigan had around 1,500 active volunteers and we collected almost 500,000 signatures. That speaks to the level of dedication by our state’s volunteers who were willing to put themselves out in public. Once again we cannot thank you enough if you participated in the last campaign, but we need your help again.
Michigan needs your help. You have the power to act. The time for action is now.

Sign up here.

Michigan Rising

The links there all work. You know what to do.

[Image credit: Michigan Rising.]
